By Neil Z. Miller

Neil Z. Miller

A palindrome is a word, phrase or sentence that reads the same forward and backward. "Noon" and "mom" are palindromes. I like to compose palindromes. For example: "Neil, an ape? Yep, an alien!" (Read it backwards.) I also compose long palindromes -- creative poems -- that can be read forward and backward. Long palindromes are more difficult to compose and seem to self-express, that is, they seem to determine which words become part of the poem, much like playing a record album backwards and listening for hidden messages.

Tame Mat

This is a palindrome about the universal battle between love and hate.
(It is also an acrostic because highlighted letters spell out important words.)

Hey! All lay ass to Leg at love mats.
Guts sAc; I tore liver. Oh, ban action.
IT can abhor eVil.
Erotic ass
tugs tame.
Voltage? Lots! Say all (lay, Eh).

Die? Me? Id!

This is a palindrome about the hidden dangers associated with
irresponsibility and unbridled self-gratification.

Ho hum.
I am star, boss, all.
Like my name.
Id saw no evil.
"Live on" was "Die many."
Me kill, lasso brats.

Dancing Alien Dancing Alien

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