If you've read my palindromes, then you know that I enjoy playing with words. I also enjoy creating and solving puzzles.
Look at the example puzzle to the left. The correct answer is "Double Parked." There are 16 puzzles in the group below. You have 3 minutes to solve as many of them as you can. (Answers are at the bottom of the page.)
The 12 puzzles below may be a little more challenging than the previous group. You have 3 minutes to solve as many of them as you can.
Click on this link to look up the answers and check your score.
Spatial Chess Puzzles
Problem #1 (Easy): Place 7 white queens and 2 black queens on a 5x5 chessboard so that no opposite color queen threatens another.
Problem #2 (Hard): Place 5 white queens and 3 black queens on a 5x5 chessboard so that no opposite color queen threatens another.
Click here to solve a difficult chess problem.
Click here to watch the former world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, make a blunder.