By Neil Z. Miller


If you've read my palindromes, then you know that I enjoy playing with words. I also enjoy creating and solving puzzles.


Look at the example puzzle to the left. The correct answer is "Double Parked." There are 16 puzzles in the group below. You have 3 minutes to solve as many of them as you can. (Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

Easy Puzzles

The 12 puzzles below may be a little more challenging than the previous group. You have 3 minutes to solve as many of them as you can.

Slightly More Difficult Puzzles

Click on this link to look up the answers and check your score.

Spatial Chess Puzzles

5x5 Chess Board Problem #1 (Easy): Place 7 white queens and 2 black queens on a 5x5 chessboard so that no opposite color queen threatens another.

Problem #2 (Hard): Place 5 white queens and 3 black queens on a 5x5 chessboard so that no opposite color queen threatens another.

Click here to solve a difficult chess problem.
Click here to watch the former world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, make a blunder.

     Click here to solve a futuristic science enigma.

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