Dear Thinktwice,
My daughter, Addison, received a Hep B shot the day after she was born. That night I was feeding her, she passed out, stopped breathing and turned blue. After spending two days in the hospital they found nothing wrong and at the time I didn't think to mention the shot earlier that AM. Now she is 5 months old and I am terrified to get her a DTaP shot due to similar reactions/deaths. Now I'm afraid she'll catch whooping cough because she hasn't been vaccinated and it's almost an epidemic around here. My physician even threatened to stop seeing her. I'm so frustrated. Help?
Please read our frequently asked questions. It is very common for doctors to stop allowing their patients to see them if they refuse vaccines. We recommend finding a naturopathic physician who will respect your wishes.
There are dangers in life whether you vaccinate or do not vaccinate and you will need to decide whether to risk adverse reactions from vaccines.
My daughter Julia had her MMR two days before her 1st birthday. Nine days later she was found unresponsive in her crib, covered in vomit and feces and unable to move on her left side. She was hospitalized for over three weeks (10 days in PICU) with encephalitis. All tests for an etiology came back negative. Her MRIs showed demyelination in the left and right frontal lobes of her brain. When she left the hospital, she was operating at the level of a 2-month-old baby -- unable to sit up, severely weak on the left side of her body, unable to drink liquids unless they were thickened because she would aspirate.
It has been over a year now. She is two years and two months old, and is operating at the level of a 12-month-old in most aspects. She is beginning to walk again, though very unsteady, and falls after about 10 steps. She still doesn't use her left arm or hand very much. She has no words. I have had several different opinions on her potential for recovery, varying from never talking again to going to college. I know in my heart that this was an MMR reaction and am devastated that I allowed this to happen to my baby girl. My son was due for his MMR (second one at 4 years old) two months after Julia got out of the hospital. This is not going to happen, ever.
We're sorry to hear that your daughter was seriously damaged after receiving the MMR vaccine. Although this is a common experience that is devastating to many families, the medical industry refuses to accept responsibility and will not acknowledge -- let alone change -- the failings of their "preventive" health practices. As a result, a new generation of children is being lost to neurological and immunological disabilities, developmental disorders, autism, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and other serious ailments. Best wishes toward a full recovery.
Thankfully, many people are aware of the dangers in vaccinating their children. However, not too many people think about the dangers in vaccinating themselves as adults. Here is my story that I feel compelled to share with everyone.
Last year, I was 34 weeks along in my pregnancy. I was suffering from severe preeclampsia. In order to save my baby (and myself) I had to deliver prematurely via C-section. I spent the next 3 days in the hospital under close observation. By day 3, I was well enough to go home, pack a bag, and return to the hospital to be with my premature infant. I felt wonderful! Despite everything I had gone through, I was well enough to even borrow a laptop from one of the nurses to balance my checkbook and pay bills prior to my leaving.
Before leaving the hospital, a nurse entered my room and convinced me that I needed a rubella booster. Boy, was that a mistake! Within hours after leaving the hospital I went on a downward spiral. By that evening I was so ill that I decided not to return to my baby until the next day. By morning, I was hallucinating and so swollen with fluid that I had to use a stepstool to climb into bed. I thought death was near because I actually heard what I believed to be heavenly beings, complete with "the bright white light" above me. I had convinced myself that it was my time to go and that my baby would be in great hands with a wonderful husband.
Thankfully, my husband called to check on me while he was at work. Had he not, I would be dead. He rushed home, threw me into his truck (in the middle of a snowstorm) and raced me to the hospital. When I was admitted, my blood pressure was 182/128. I had to be given five doses of a particular medicine to lower my blood pressure. I was also so swollen that I couldn't recognize my toes -- they were stubs. I had to spend the next four days in the hospital (one hour away from my baby's hospital) recovering. I cried every single day. My heart ached so much because I could not be with my little peanut.
I poured myself into research on the matter. I was told that many women suffer from a "relapse" with severe preeclampsia by day 3 or 4 due to hormonal changes by their milk coming in. I now don't believe that theory. At the same time, I learned that you should not, under any circumstances, be given a vaccine when you are ill. Well, when one is suffering from preeclampsia, toxins are raging throughout your body. I was very ill! Not only that, but U.K. studies have shown that there is a small chance that the rubella vaccine virus can leak into your breastmilk and the disease may pass to the infant if you are breastfeeding!
To this day, my doctor is adamant that the vaccine was not the cause of my relapse. I know better now. I am disgusted that it is now standard practice for doctors to vaccinate mothers shortly after delivery. I wasn't asked if I would be breastfeeding! They obviously did not read the warning on the package insert supplied by the drug manufacturer either, that clearly advises the medical professional not to be administer to an ill patient! I am just so thankful that I lived to tell my story. Thank you for listening.
Thanks for sharing your story. You may also be interested in rubella vaccine studies conducted by Dr. F. Edward Yazbak. He found that women who were vaccinated with either this vaccine alone, or MMR, shortly before, during or after pregnancy, were statistically more likely to give birth to a child who is later diagnosed with autism. This vaccine has also been linked to arthritis, diabetes, neurological disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other ailments. The Yazbak studies, and many others, are thoroughly explained in the Vaccine Safety Manual.
My beautiful baby was born 6 weeks early on February 26. I remember one particular nurse who was disgusted with my husband and I because we chose to "hold off" on his Hep B vaccine. I stated, "Well he's not having sex or doing drugs anytime soon so why should we give him this?" This nurse even went as far as telling us that despite our concerns, she had never even heard of any adverse reactions and we were doing him a disservice because it would result in him getting more shots in the future if he didn't have it now. I am so happy I didn't listen to her. He was too fragile.
Because my son was premature, it is now standard practice that preemies are evaluated for any possible delays. At 2 months we were told he was accomplishing milestones way beyond his age group. His dad and I were so proud.
Like a fool, I didn't go with my gut and hold off on the vaccinations. So, he had his 2 & 4 month vaccinations, which included DTaP, Hib, and IPV (I chose not to receive the additional ones that were recommended). This is a baby that never cries. Not only did he run a low-grade fever, but he let out blood-curdling cries for 3 straight days!! When I called the doctor's office in a panic, I was simply quoted verbatim what the CDC deems is an adverse reaction. Because my son did not scream for 3 hours straight (it was off and on) or run a high fever, there was no need to be alarmed. I was probably just touching his leg. I knew I wasn't. Again, like a fool I had him vaccinated again at 6 months...for the last time. My son didn't scream this time. Instead, he experienced full-body convulsions complete with his eyes rolling into the back of his head on numerous occasions in the following weeks. Again, the CDC states "there must be a high fever to accompany this in order for them to claim it to be a severe reaction."
He is now 11 months old. This month I am faced with having to have my baby re-screened for possible delays. As of last month, he was only accomplishing 1 of 20 tasks in developmental milestones.
I am so angry. I emailed his doctor and requested information on the shots that he received. I understand that it is a law that they must keep this information on file. I also told them I want a list of the ingredients that were in each of the vaccines. Upon receiving this information, I will then do a hair analysis. Thankfully I haven't cut his hair yet. I will then have my proof.
Is this just a coincidence? Is it also a coincidence that my 14-year-old son is suffering from ADHD and possible learning disabilities? He cannot do simple math, comprehend 8th grade reading material or even function for that matter. Despite my concerns, he repeatedly tests "average or below average" on special education school evaluations. He has been evaluated at numerous schools in NC, NH, and CA because we moved. I am told that he doesn't qualify for any assistance. I am now learning that the tests are "dumbed down" and the whole testing process contains many flaws. They are specifically designed so that children like mine will "pass" them. Up to 25% of the children out there are diagnosed as learning disabled. How many more are there? I have been talking to hundreds of parents that are in the same boat. They are simply told their child is lazy, unmotivated, or even a slow learner!!! That's it -- nothing more!! I now may have to pay thousands to prove that my 14-year-old is learning disabled and needs help. I may need an advocate, an attorney, and may even have to go to court where parents are not allowed to testify. Parents' testimony is viewed as biased because they want what is best for their children. The teachers can testify, though. They can and will do everything they can to prove that he is not disabled. It is just my opinion, but I think it is safe to assume that roughly up to 80% of children should qualify for special education and/or related services (IEP). I also think it would create mass hysteria if that were to happen, though.
I will never vaccinate either one of my children again. If only I knew then what I know now. Please feel free to use my story, but for safety reasons I choose to remain anonymous. Thank you for listening and thank you for all that you do.
Although the FDA, CDC, medical doctors, and drug companies conspire to deny the true extent of vaccine damage inflicted on our precious children, families must bear some of the responsibility as well, especially when mothers observe serious reactions in their babies following their 2 and 4 month vaccinations yet consent to additional shots at 6 months. Your story is common. The infant receives a battery of shots at 2 months, has a serious reaction, and may even end up at the hospital fighting for his or her life. The parents know the vaccines caused the reaction, but because the doctor denied it, they agree to another round of shots at 4 months. The baby has another serious reaction, often ending up at the hospital again fighting for dear life. Again, the doctor denies that the vaccine had anything to do with the reaction so mom consents to additional shots at 6 months. Often, this is just too much for the baby to bear. If the child lives, damage may be acute or chronic, immediately observable and/or inapparent yet resulting in long-term consequences. These could take the form of regressive development, learning disabilities, retardation, and much more. At Thinktwice, we are amazed and distressed at how often this same story is retold. Mothers seem to have lost their maternal instinct, having turned it over to the medical industry, allowing themselves to be badgered and browbeaten into harming their own children.
Many parents discover the harsh realities of allopathic preventive healthcare after the damage is done. However, vaccine awareness should occur prior to pediatric appointments. One's consent to or rejection of vaccines ought to be an informed decision. Proper research of benefits and risks is essential. Thank you for sharing your story so that we may share it with others.
I am hoping that you can help me figure out if my son's reaction to a vaccine is "normal" or not. My son had his kindergarten boosters. He was behind because we were slow getting his shots, doing one at a time. He got four shots on Friday, and one turned VERY red, hot and the rash spread around his leg. The doctor said this is normal but I disagree and think he should not get any more shots! Any insight would be appreciated!
Although your son received four "shots" concurrently, if any of them were combination shots, then he received 5, 6 or 7 vaccine-drugs at the same time. When did you last take that many drugs at the same time? If you took 6 or 7 different drugs simultaneously would you be more surprised if you did, or did not, have a reaction?
"Normal" doesn't mean "safe." If your child was bitten by a rattlesnake, he would have severe symptoms that were "normal" for a rattlesnake bite, yet he would still be in danger. We can't diagnose your son, but an inflamed leg could be the least of your worries; long-term effects are also possible.
Please read our free eBooks on overdosed babies and aluminum in vaccines. Best wishes.
I was reading some of the angry letters on your website. I am amazed and awed by your articulate, well-researched answers to the aggressive, condescending emails that you receive. I am so grateful that you seem to be able to peel open the closed minds of some of the people who are rigidly allopathic. Keep doing what you are doing. You are making a difference, and the freedom to choose the way we handle the healthcare of our kids is fundamentally American.
Thanks for your support of our efforts.
My grandson was vaccinated around September 27 with the hepatitis A vaccine. Around October 15, he began to limp and now cannot walk at all. He cries with leg pain a lot and keeps his legs drawn up in a fetal position. Below is some of the history of our lives since then. He fell in October. He began walking with a limp, and we assumed this was from the fall. He has now progressed to not walking at all. He has been tested at Wolfson's Children's Hospital. We are waiting on the results from a nerve biopsy. The bone biopsy was fine. He has seen neurologists, oncologists, orthopedists, hematologists, and pediatric. He has had 3 MRI's, 2 lumbar punctures, numerous x-rays, a bone marrow biopsy, a bone biopsy, more blood work than you can name, 2 full body bone scans, and genetic testing. He has also spent 16 days in Wolfson's Children's Hospital: two separate stays of 8 days each. One stay in October/November and the last stay in January. This last time he was seen by 23 different doctors and nothing has been found. He cries with his knees hurting a lot. We do not know what to do. We are at our wit's end. Your thoughts are comments on this would be appreciated.
We're sorry to hear of your plight. We recommend contacting a naturopathic physician (check your yellow pages). Good luck.
I am a mother of three boys in NY who applied for a religious waiver to refuse vaccines for my kids over a year-and-a-half ago. The school denied us. The school conducted a 'sincerity interview '-- this means the attorney for the school questioned my husband and I for almost two hours. Most of the questions had nothing to do with religion or our belief in God. Moreover, there are a half-dozen other couples in our district who have been grilled in the same fashion and denied their waiver. The reasons the school gives are outrageous. We have banned together to encourage the school to change their approach. The whole nightmare I've been living is a long, crazy story. My current status: the ACLU has picked up my case and I am pursuing legal avenues. I am hopeful it will all work out in my favor. However, I want to help other couples get through this process, wherever they live, so they are spared the stress my family has gone through. To have your faith in god questioned and dismissed as insincere is terribly dehumanizing.
We have seen this before, where authorities engage in an inquisition to determine the "sincerity" of one's religious beliefs. A few years ago, a case like this went all the way to the Wyoming Supreme Court, where the judges determined that the law does not permit such grilling of the applicant, and that the exemption must be accepted at face value. Good luck.
I had a tetanus shot in 1993, required to get a job. In 1997 I was given another after a dog bite and another one at the same ER in 2000 for cat scratches. About 6 or 7 months ago I received an injection by the same entity, different location. I had never had a reaction since childhood (that was mild). I was advised that the worst side effect could be muscle degeneration for as long as 3 weeks. I went home and about 5 hours later was starting to hurt. It got much worse and I could not use my arm at all. About 2 1/2 to 3 weeks later I called my doctor. I had to wait another week or so as he was out of town. To date, I still have pain and cannot lay on my left shoulder. My arm and shoulder continue to be much weaker and tire easily; some movements are painful. Sometimes it just aches.
Thanks for sharing your experience for the benefit of others.
I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction as far as research material is concerned. I'm in the middle of a custody battle with my husband who might attempt to accuse me of "medical neglect" because I have, after much research, chosen to not immunize our almost two-year-old son. I may need some scientific research material to convince the judge that I am a responsible mother who has made informed decisions regarding the vaccines, and that I have done so because of legitimate concerns regarding the vaccines' safety and effectiveness. Where do I find appropriate material?
Under these circumstances we always recommend convincing your husband of the merits of your decision, not the judge. If your husband accuses you of medical neglect because he truly believes it, that's one thing. If he does it to hurt you, see if he can find another way to vent his anger instead of directing it at the child.
Regarding scientific research material on vaccines, and peer-reviewed vaccine studies, the Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners provides the most comprehensive collection of vaccine data available anywhere, with a special emphasis on studies that document safety and efficacy deficiencies.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your site...will pass it along!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! DONT STOP!!! My little one is 3.5 yrs now and at her first DTaP shot screamed, not cried, screamed. She never stopped even once for over 7 hours. It was horrifying...I didn't know...I know now. We will fight to the end to never, ever, ever have a vaccine, ever again! Please keep supporting the little people in this battle!
Thanks for your support of our efforts.
My granddaughter was born Dec 13. She was born with NO complications, No health problems until after her hepatitis B shot. Less than a week after, she didn't want to eat, was very agitated, and finally came down with a fever. My daughter called her pediatrician who told her to take the baby to the hospital. They ran tests, never mentioned the shots and said she had a urinary tract infection from the urine backing up into her kidneys. She was tested with other tests and given two antibiotics and Tylenol for her fever. She was in the hospital for 5 days. She is home and still taking antibiotics and being sent to a urinologist. They told her she will have to be on medicine for 6 months to 1 year or until the baby outgrows this problem. I say baloney, the shots most likely caused this. Can you tell me what is in the hepatitis shot and what are the reactions to it? Can I report these reactions to someone? My daughter probably won't because she believes the shot didn't cause these problems as the doctors told her.
Our site posts information on the hepatitis B vaccine. Many children are damaged from this shot. Contact 1-800-822-7967 to file a report.
I have been doing some research on the MMR vaccine and was happy to come across your site. I would like to share my experience with the vaccine as well. I am the oldest of 5 children and one of my younger brothers and one of my younger sisters had very adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine including high fever. My sister began having seizures and had to be admitted to the hospital for several weeks. As she was recovering, a misinformed nurse accidentally administered ANOTHER MMR with caused my sister to get even worse; I won't go into all the details of how she suffered but suffice to say that it took a solid 6 months in the Intensive Care unit before she got well and came back to live with us. She was 6 years old at the time and is now 19 years old. She continued having seizures for a little over 10 years although they were few and far between (maybe 2 or 3 a year). It is such a miracle that she lived, the doctors didn't give us much hope and said the odds were stacked against her. Of course my mother researched all vaccinations very heavily and decided that none of us would receive immunizations after that. After fighting with the school board and providing all the documentation of what happened to my sister, she finally prevailed by claiming it violated our religious beliefs to have immunizations. That apparently was something the school board wouldn't dare dispute.
This brings me to my present experience with the MMR vaccine. My son is 13 months old and had his 12-month vaccinations about a week after his first birthday. The doctors told us to watch out for fever within the next 7 to 10 days, but my son showed no ill effects for several days. Eight days after the vaccine was administered he was riding in the car with my wife and mother-in-law and started making some strange noises. My wife immediately pulled over and pulled him out of his car seat, convulsing with his eyes rolling back in his head. His lips and much of his face turned purple and then he went limp and pale. My wife honestly thought he was dead but he started whimpering a short while afterwards and then came to after that. It turns out he had a fever of 104, which came on very quickly and caused him to have a febrile seizure. After several tests including a CS and chest x-rays, the doctors could not tell us what caused him to have a seizure, but upon realizing he had just had his MMR, my whole family was convinced that was the cause. Of course, the doctors maintained it was probably not caused by the vaccine but they offered no other explanation!! Luckily, our pediatrician was open to our concerns and agreed with us in our decision to not administer any further vaccinations to our son. Our new son who will be born any day now (due date today). I am sure we will have to use the 'religious beliefs' defense to ensure they will be accepted into school without immunizations, but I would honestly homeschool my children before exposing them to something so deadly. When is the last time you heard of anyone in the US coming down with measles anyhow? Thanks for putting this information out there. I will be forwarding the Thinktwice link to all friends and family members with children, and I look forward to receiving the book!
Serious adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine often occur 7 to 10 days following the shot. Thus, parents who elect to vaccinate their children with MMR need to remain alert for possible signs of vaccine damage for at least this long. Thanks for sharing your experiences to benefit others.
Can you please tell me if the hepatitis B vaccine could be responsible for kidney disease? My grandson was vaccinated when he was one day old, at 3 months and 6 months. He wet the bed until he was 13 years old. He has been diagnosed with Allport's disease and will need a transplant in the future. My daughter had read that the hepatitis B vaccine damages the kidneys and the liver. No doctor will confirm this.
Although Allport's disease is a rare genetic ailment, numerous studies document adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine. Here are a couple of studies linking this vaccine to kidney damage:
Islek, I., et al. "Nephrotic syndrome following hepatitis B vaccination." Pediatr Nephrol (Jan 2000);14:89-90.
Macario, F., et al. "Nephrotic syndrome after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine." Clin Nephrol (May 1995);43(5):349.
Here are a couple of studies linking this vaccine to liver ailments:
Ranieri, VM., et al. "Liver inflammation and acute respiratory distress syndrome in a patient receiving hepatitis B vaccine: a possible relationship?" Intensive Care Medicine (January 1997);23(1):119-21.
Lilic, D., et al. "Liver dysfunction and DNA antibodies after hepatitis B vaccination." Lancet (November 1994);344(8932):1292-3.
The most extensive information on the hepatitis B vaccine may be found in the Vaccine Safety Manual, which contains the most comprehensive scientific documentation available linking this vaccine to kidney, liver, neurologic, immunologic, skin and blood disorders. Important research has also linked this vaccine to rising rates of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Ma'am or Sir,
I just read your international travel vaccine section. I found it interesting that you did NOT inform your readers of the risks of becoming infected with one of the vaccine preventable diseases -- yellow fever -- while traveling overseas, and the subsequent risk of illness and possibly long term consequences from the disease itself.
From 1996-2002, there were just five yellow fever fatalities among all American and European travelers. This doesn't seem like much of a risk. In contrast, yellow fever vaccines have been linked to multiple organ system failure (vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease), virtually identical to severe and fatal cases of yellow fever caused by the wild-type of yellow fever virus. The vaccine may also cause profound nervous system reactions, including Guillain-Barre' syndrome and neurotropic disease (previously named post-vaccinal encephalitis).
Lastly, the statement that vaccines are not required to travel overseas is not completely correct. Proof of yellow fever vaccination or a medical contraindication to yellow fever vaccination is an international travel requirement for a number of countries. People that arrive in a country requiring YF vaccination without the above proof can be subject to vaccination by the country visited or refused entry into that country.
Some countries may waive the requirements for travelers staying less than two weeks who are coming from areas where there is no current evidence or significant risk of contracting yellow fever. (The Vaccine Safety Manual contains more extensive information on the yellow fever vaccine.)
I'm not for unfettered use of vaccines. I am for full and accurate information for all people so that they can make the best-informed decision for themselves and their families.
Great! Then may we assume that you'll be contacting the CDC and FDA, like you contacted us, to request accurate information on their websites, which only post benefits and downplay the risks? Our site is not a branch of the medical establishment. Our goal is not to mimic vaccine propaganda; there are plenty of websites where people can get "official" vaccine information. Instead, we aim to provide valuable data that is not being offered by vaccine proponents.
Actually, I do contact any website manager that puts up information that appears incorrect or dangerously incomplete. I do this, as it would be irresponsible to allow our population to be misled by inaccurate information that may put their health at risk.
If what you say is true, which I doubt, then you must be very busy writing to the website managers of all the "official" vaccine websites requesting that they post correct information about potential vaccine reactions. Tell
me how many times you wrote to the CDC and FDA asking them to post honest information. Or did you really mean that you just contact people who don't promote vaccines? Our website endeavors to post honest and accurate information at all times. People are free to access information on our site and weigh it against information on sites that promote vaccines unconditionally.
Ma'am or Sir, just a little feedback on your writing style. Seems like you assume I am your enemy by beginning your email questioning my integrity. I doubt that helps to win you supporters. Secondly, it is also concerning that neither of the two emails I have received from you are signed. That is unusual and makes me wonder why. When I correspond with folks at CDC they always respond with a signed email. Hopefully you find this helpful and are able to be more successful in your future correspondence. Respectfully, JV, MD.
Dear JV, I am not requesting your "feedback" because it is clearly biased. Nor do I assume that you are an "enemy"; that is your assumption. However, I do believe that your desire to "help" is disingenuous. The truth is that you are annoyed that we present unflattering vaccine information on our website and would prefer that only "official" sources of vaccine propaganda be allowed to reach concerned people trying to make informed decisions. Furthermore, your attempt to turn this conversation into a lesson in proper correspondence is condescending, which I have observed to be a common trait among many medical doctors. Also, you failed to answer my simple question wondering how often you wrote to the CDC and FDA asking them to post honest information. It seems to me that if we are going to have "successful correspondence" then you are going to have to be more forthright. Sincerely, NW, Thinktwice.
Thank you for all of your wonderful work. I lost a daughter to SIDS. I am now discovering that my story is rather common; my daughter was nine pounds when she was born, very healthy, breast-fed, and always put to sleep on her back. Seven days prior to her death, she received a full battery of vaccinations. Sadly, I have only recently become aware of the potential link between SIDS and vaccinations. I would very much like to contact other parents who have similar stories, perhaps through a website dedicated to this aspect of vaccinations. Do you know of any links that I could try? Any information that you can give me would be very much appreciated.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Our site provides information on the link between vaccines and sudden infant death syndrome -- SIDS. However, we do not keep contact information on file.
I know this website is mostly for children but wanted to share something that happened recently to me. First off, let me say that I have a great deal of allergies and I am very careful of what I eat and what is prescribed by my doctor. Three weeks ago I stepped on a rusty nail. I hadn't had a tetanus shot in over 20 years. I thought I had better get one just in case. After I got there, we went over my allergies and I asked lots of questions. She said "are you allergic to eggs"? I said no. That was all that was said. She gave me the shot and I immediately felt as though I was going to pass out. I figured it had to do with me not liking needles, and I was being a baby. I walked out to the car still feeling really dizzy and sick. I drove a 1/4 of a mile and had to pull over. I had broken out in hives and my eyes were nearly swollen shut. Drove back to the doctor and told them that I was having a reaction. They did all the stuff they could to stop the reaction. I then ask what in the world could have been in that shot to do this? They looked at each other and said, well actually we gave you a DPT and it was more than likely the pertussis that did this. I was so angry that no one told me beforehand that this is a common practice for adults now. So here I sit, three weeks later, with hives, burning skin, aching joints, and incredible fatigue. I would not have willingly taken a DPT shot. My daughter had a severe reaction to it also as a baby and I have not given it to any of my other children. Just wanted to let you know that this stuff is happening to adults also.
The medical industry is now pushing teenage and adult vaccines because these are expected to be highly lucrative markets. Of course, no one is immune to a serious adverse reaction. Thanks for sharing your story. We'll post it to share with others.
My daughter is 2 months old, and I am so grateful for your book which led me to your website. My daughter's two-month well-baby checkup is in a few days, and after reading everything on your site I called her pediatrician and had a very candid conversation with him about the vaccines he was planning on giving her. I expected him to react with anger or denial, but I only got denial. I also got a speech from him on how his practice has "other parents like you with similar concerns, but I have given the shots to my own children and would not have done so if I didn't feel like it was safe..." I told him that he made that choice as a parent, and I was making my choice as a parent.
When I explained my concerns of brain damage or other problems caused directly by the shots he stated that he "has never in (his) experience seen any reactions to any of the shots given...(he) has patients that he sees that have autism but they are not related to the vaccine...." That spoke volumes to me when comparing the page in your book where the chart states that 82% of doctors do not report reactions to vaccines. I stood firm and explained that I would bring her in to her appointment on the understanding that no shots are to be given now or in the future. He said that he would be "happy to treat (my daughter) but please understand that every time you come in for a visit I will be 'suggesting' the shots she needs."
I'm currently seeking out homeopathic doctors in my area who won't 'suggest' any shots. Thank you so much for everything you have put out there about vaccines. I feel a little more empowered now in the protection of my infant daughter. I am armed with the knowledge to keep her healthy and safe now.
Everyone needs to be fully informed about the true benefits and risks of vaccines and must remain free to accept or reject the shots. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Check the yellow pages for a naturopathic doctor.
Great website! I would like to have a bumper sticker to help spread the word. My story quickly, I have four children. The first three were regularly vaccinated as "required" by our school administration. A friend of mine lost a child hours after being vaccinated and alerted me to the hazards associated with this. Our fourth child was not vaccinated and is the only one who is not in "Special-Ed" like the rest of her siblings.
Thanks for sharing your story to benefit others. A bumper sticker is on the way.
Ha ha, loved the site. It served for a few good laughs. Well, I'm on my way to get my flu shot. Have a good day.
That's your choice.
I received the varicella vaccine. Immediately following the vaccine I had a loss of elasticity to my skin, and dark circles under my eyes. As I have been unable to find a doctor knowledgeable enough to determine what happened to me, I began my own research and found the following: vaccines release free radicals in the body that attack and destroy skin cells, and can reduce key vitamin levels that are critical for supporting collagen and elastin. The vaccines essentially change the skin's DNA and perpetuate the aging process of the face.
Unfortunately, I did not make the connection as explained and was subject to more vaccines in December of 2006 for travel. These vaccines also caused dark circles under my eyes and a permanent tired line in my face. Vaccines can cause a permanent allergic reaction as the body reacts to the foreign substances that are contained in the vaccines. In addition to these visible changes, I have experienced substantial systemic changes as well. Vaccines have ruined the quality of my life.
I feel bad for all the young women that are now being targeted for the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine. The allergic reactions that these young girls will experience will be permanent for many. This particular vaccine is being hailed as a cancer vaccine when all it does is target a strain of STD that is linked to cervical cancer. It suggests that young girls are now free to have unprotected sex without consequence. They also want to market this to young men as a preventative for cancer of the mouth. This is inspired by money and not the well-being of these adolescents.
Cures do not exist because there is more money in vaccines. Please continue your work and efforts to make this information known.
Thanks for sharing your personal experiences with the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine and vaccines for overseas travel. Our website provides additional information on these vaccines and on the HPV vaccine as well. The Vaccine Safety Manual contains the most extensive information on all vaccines, with separate chapters on chickenpox, HPV, and several "travel" vaccines, including yellow fever, typhoid fever, cholera, and Japanese encephalitis.
I have a 3-year-old son that developed autistic-like behaviors right after receiving his MMR shot. He was diagnosed with autism at 21 months old. We started extensive therapy, and through the course of the last year-and-a-half he is doing so much better. He is totally verbal and very high functioning. My question is, I REFUSE to let him get the 2nd MMR shot. I did not go through all this hard work with him to have another shot hold him back. What are my rights in the state of Florida when it comes to denying this vaccine? (He is currently up to date with all other shots.) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Vaccines are not legally required for young children in most states, only when they enter daycare or school, and then an exemption is permitted. Florida offers a religious exemption. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions and visit our section on immunization laws for more information.
Hi, I want to thank everyone who takes time to write on this page and tell their stories. I have a few questions for the parents who have children and their child had a bad reaction. My daughter is a healthy baby and she has been to 3 pediatricians and she is only 2 1/2 months old. My daughter had a DPT shot as scheduled because I thought it was the right thing to do. Around 6:30 that night I noticed her leg was very swollen and red, which the doctor said would happen, but he failed to tell me that she might have a bad reaction to the shot. My daughter was screaming, which was very unlike her, so I called the doctor and the doctor said she is having a bad reaction to the shot so just give her Tylenol and she will be okay. So I did, she fell asleep and woke up again still screaming and very swollen, only this time she was puking out of her nose and her mouth. This concerned me so I called the doctor again, and again he told me that it was just a bad reaction and that this is the only shot she can get a reaction to.
Nonsense, all of the shots can cause serious reactions. It can be very dangerous when more than one vaccine is given at the same time.
He also told me that next time, instead of giving her the DPT shot, he would give her just the DT shot. I am glad to say that it is 6 days later and she hasn't had any other reaction yet, but I took her to a third doctor today and he told me that there is no such thing as a DT shot, and also that there are risks of brain damage with every shot. Now being a concerned first time mom, I do not know what to do. I don't want my daughter to receive any more shots but how does that work with school in New York?
NY offers a religious exemption. Read our section on vaccine laws for more information.
Every night when my daughter goes to sleep I watch her and do not sleep myself because I am scared that something is going to happen. I just wish I never got her the shot, but like other moms I thought I was doing the right thing. My next question is how do I know that all my daughter had was the crying and nothing else? When is it safe to say okay, now I don't have to worry about her having any more reactions to this one shot? Please help me.
Your daughter was given DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis), not DPT, which was discontinued several years ago. Some people believe that the earlier formula was more dangerous than DTaP. However, studies (and real-life experiences) confirm that DTaP is also potentially dangerous. Keep in mind that doctors usually inject babies with a total of 8 vaccine-drugs at 2 months of age, so if your daughter received several shots, she may be reacting to a) the pertussis component of the DTaP shot, b) to an entirely different vaccine, or c) to the entire cocktail of vaccines.
The "screaming" that your daughter experienced is very likely the "cri encephalique" that can occur with neurological damage from vaccines. This has been written about. You may not know if she has long-term damage until she becomes more mature in age and development, by observing whether she achieves important milestones age-appropriately. Best wishes.
My son received EIGHT vaccines on February 13. They were DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), IPV, Hib, Hep B, Prevnar & Rotateq. He was 6 months old. One week later he was inconsolable and lethargic. Another three days later he presented with seizures and suffered a significant stroke: 2/3 of his right brain is permanently damaged. I am lucky he is doing so well. I am not sure what his future holds but I am positive. Please send me a bumper sticker.
We're sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully, he will heal. Please read our free eBook on overdosed babies. A bumper sticker is on the way. Thanks for sharing your story to benefit others.
My 5 month old son received his first round of immunizations 2 weeks ago -- "the cocktail" -- 3 shots for 5 diseases. After a few days I noticed that he wasn't responding to my voice very well and was sort of "in space." I didn't pay much attention and just figured he was ignoring me. Then the other day I dropped something in the bathroom which made a huge noise and he didn't even flinch! I know he has suffered some hearing loss and I can't help but think it was caused by the vaccines. I'm terrified and have made an appointment for him to be tested by an audiologist. I've tried to find some specific information on vaccines and hearing loss but either it's very vague or I can't gain access to it. Could you please help me by pointing me to some information? Also, do I have any recourse? He passed his newborn hearing screening and was hearing fine before the immunizations. If he has sustained hearing loss is there a way to point to the vaccines as having caused it? ANY information you could give me would be very appreciated. Gratefully yours, a very terrified and angry mom.
Our website lists several studies, many of which are specific to hearing damage. Also be sure to file a report with the federal government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): 1-800-822-7967.
Dear Thinktwice
I am a very firm believer that people are put in your path for a reason. Last week I took my 3-month-old son to the car wash with my mom. I always rush to pay and go sit outside. However, this particular day I decided to explain the whole car wash to my son and let him watch through the glass window. As we were waiting, a young woman approached us. She made small talk about the baby and then suddenly asked about his vaccinations. I was a little surprised. I told her that he had his first round at 2 months. She asked how he was doing since the shots and I said fine, completely normal. She then went on to tell me about your website and your books. I have always heard about the vaccine controversy but never really took the time to check it out. But the more I thought about the things she said the more curious I became. So I went home and read everything on your site. That woman was an angel put in my son's path to save him. I wish I had taken the time to ask her name. I wish I had seen her before I took him to the doctor. I will NEVER, EVER give him another shot.
After reading through your site, I started thinking about my 1-year-old puppy. I have a 4 lb pom. He is a wonderful, happy, healthy little pup. When I was 9 months pregnant with my son, I took my dog to the vet to get the shots and a routine check-up before the baby came. Little Bear (my pup) had a rabies, distemper, and one other shot I'm not sure. No one ever mentioned to me that he would have a reaction. So after I got home, me and Little Bear cuddled up on the couch to take an afternoon nap. Not more than 10 minutes after we sat down, Little Bear started screaming and shrieking, convulsed, arched his back, reversed, and urinated all over. My dog had a major seizure. Ever since then, he is very quiet, limps on his back legs, and sleeps quit a bit.
My point may be a little off here. But I just wanted to tell you that these vaccines aren't just damaging our babies. It is our pets as well. I knew Little Bear had the reaction to his shot. But I never put two and two together that the same thing could happen to my son. I regret so much getting his first round of shots. I would do anything to take it back. But I do know that I will never let him get another one. I am telling all my friends that are parents, or soon to be parents, of your website. It is extremely informational. Thank you for educating us. It is a sad world that we live in today.
Thanks you for sharing your letter. You're right about vaccines also causing problems in our pets. That's why we publish a book on this problem: Vaccine Guide for Dogs and Cats: What Every Pet Lover Should Know.
My son was born perfectly healthy. He had a bad reaction after his first vaccine(s): inconsolable crying for 12 hours. The doctor told me not to EVER give him another vaccine of pertussis. And we didn't. As time went by, we noticed he had a high tolerance to pain, didn't learn from discipline, then as he got older he couldn't tell the truth even if he wanted something that he was offered for telling the truth. We struggled, reached out for help, took him to a psychiatrist. He has no impulse control; he knows right from wrong but when put in a situation, he can't chose right if his life depended on it. I have watched this transpire from early on. I have believed for many years that this vaccine caused brain damage of some kind, but I can't get anyone to order a brain scan. He is almost 17 and he is going to juvenile prison for the 2nd time.
Who is tracking these kids long-term? How do we know that these vaccines aren't causing bi-polar, anti-social disorder, mood disorders or ADD/ADHD? Certainly vaccines are what all these children have in common. Of course, if a child has a seizure after a vaccine, or dies, that is reported and tracked, but all these kids who had 'milder' reactions, who is watching out for them?
You make good points that have already been investigated. I highly recommend the scholarly book, Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality by Harris Coulter. This book may be difficult to locate, but it is available, and discusses the links between vaccines and anti-social behavior.
My beautiful four-year-old grandson is not talking and showing signs of autism. He was a vibrant, healthy baby, and was growing well until his baby shots at the age of 14 months. Within a two-week period after receiving his shots, he stopped giving eye contact, and seemed to turn inward. He has never been the same since the series of shots he got. He is developing well physically, but mentally and emotionally he is very delayed. My daughter suffers daily from his emotional and mental disability. It breaks my heart to see this. I don't know if he will ever be able to live a normal life. I have heard that the mercury in the shots could be the problem. If so, then someone has committed a horrible crime against these young children. What is your advice for her to do?
We're sorry to hear about this. Sadly, it is all too common. Mercury in vaccines is not the only problem. We are aware of many babies who became autistic after receiving several non-mercury containing shots. Our site lists several autism resources plus some links to people and organizations that may be able to help reverse vaccine damage. Best wishes.
My daughter who is three years old received vaccinations on June 21: MMR, Hib, hepatitis, polio. On June 27-30 she had fevers at night ranging from 101-104, on Tylenol. On July 10, she was crying that her stomach hurt from 8:30-10:30 at night. She fell asleep, waking up at 1:30am crying again. She had a 101 fever. On July 12, she had a seizure in the car lasting 15 minutes. She was pushing her finger into her eye, staring straight ahead. I asked her why she was doing this; I got no response. I took her out of her car seat and held her. She was also making a chewing motion with her mouth. When she came back to reality she told me her eye was hurting her. On July 14, she had another seizure lasting 2 minutes, making noises with her lips and staring and nonresponsive in the car again. She also said this time her eye was hurting afterwards. I brought her to ER and they sent her home on Keppra 1ml, twice a day. I have an EEG scheduled for July 20. Do you think all of what is going on is vaccine related? My primary care physician and ER doctors say no. I am scared that they are lying to me.
Can vaccine injury be reversed for seizures? Is she going to keep having these? Is she going to die on me? Can I help her someway?
Your daughter received 6 vaccine/drugs on June 21. When did you last take 6 drugs at once? Would you be more surprised if you did, or did not, have a reaction? Doctors rarely admit to vaccine reactions. It's hard to say whether the damage is permanent. You may want to contact a naturopathic physician. They are listed in the phone book.
I am a mother in the U.K. I had my 3 1/2 month old daughter vaccinated with the DPT vaccine (in the U.K. it includes Hib and Polio). She went from being a contented baby that woke on average twice a night to waking from the vaccine every hour to 90 minutes. We are now 3 months down the line and she wakes in pain (back arching, throwing her head back) every 2 hours. I have had a look at your site and feel we are lucky to have had a mild reaction but one I would still like to remedy. Do you have any info on this? I have added an infant probiotic to her food as well as flax oil and she has seen a homeopath and an osteopath with no signs of change. Do you have any advice? Many thanks on providing such a valuable service. Jessica is not having any more shots. Kind regards.
Your child received 5 powerful drugs simultaneously. We do not consider her reaction mild. We are always surprised when babies do not have a serious reaction after receiving several vaccines all at one time. Our site has a small section on "reversing vaccine damage" and a list of health practitioners who work with children who were damaged by vaccines. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Good luck.
My daughter is 2 1/2 yrs old, she had a flu shot on November 9. Monday November 13 I took her back to her doctor because her eyes were suddenly crossed. Her doctor sent her to the ER who told us she has Guillain-Barre' Syndrome (GBS) from the flu shot. She was transferred to one of the best hospitals in the area, who thankfully told us they did not think it was GBS, but thought is was caused by the flu shot. Basically, fluid built up around her brain, causing her eyes to turn in, one more than the other. She now has to wear glasses and hopefully it will reverse the damage but they can't tell us for sure. We are still in the process of seeing different specialists. Can you please tell me have you heard of any reactions like this? She has already had a Spinal Tap, MRI, CT Scan and tons of blood work. My husband and I are worried about future problems. Please let me know if you have heard of any thing else like this. My little girl is happy and doing well. I am very thankful that she is okay! I am just so angry that this happened to her. My heart goes out to all the families who aren't so lucky. Thank you for such a great site; I am passing it on to all I know.
Vaccines can cause neurological damage. This is well documented in the medical literature. Please read our postings on the flu vaccine. Also visit our section on individual vaccines and vaccine studies. Thanks for sharing your experience. Best wishes with your daughter.
I wanted to write you to see if I can possibly get answers from you about my sister's son. He is 6 years old and has received all of his vaccines. When he was a year old he could say 10 words. He was a happy baby. At 15 months he got his MMR vaccine, and at 20 months he had a minor surgery on his eyes. He was put to sleep and he was so scared that he screamed. He was paranoid when he saw doctors for a long time after that, that's how scared he was. Shortly after, his sister was born. Since around that time he started to change little by little. He stopped talking and began to act different. He would point at things rather then say what he wanted. He did not always turn his head when people called him. He would go in his own world and some of his behavior seemed autistic. He would cover his ears when he heard noise. His behavior became more difficult to deal with. He screamed when they took him in public and also when visitors came by. Around that time, their house was getting fixed so there were a lot of loud noises around that drove him crazy. He was paranoid. He started to go into his own world and always had to find something to have in his hand that he would bang up against things. Today he still feels the need to twirl something in his hand or bang something. He goes into his own world a little when he gets to do that and he also has a lot of need to release energy and nervousness from his body by running back and forth. He is doing better and better and is taking big steps forward day by day. It's like he closed up and is trying to catch on. They have done so much to try to help him but nobody can tell them what is wrong with him. They take him to homeopathic doctors who gives them remedies and he has a few tutors that help him in many ways.
My question is...could it be that the vaccines might have affected him so long after? He got the MMR shot at 15 months but they didn't notice much change in him until around 18-20 months. Could it take months for this to show? Also, could something have happened when he was put to sleep by the doctor? Is there a way to help kids that have difficulties, through minerals or remedies (Detox)? In desperate need of answers. Thank you for a great page!
Our site has many stories of children becoming autistic following their shots. However, given the time period between the administration of the vaccine (15 months) and when they first noticed changes in their child (18-20 months) it would be difficult to determine whether the vaccines were responsible in this instance. (Of course, it is possible that the parents were unaware of subtle, detrimental changes that may have begun in the child shortly after the MMR vaccine was given. When parents are told by their doctors that vaccines are safe, they rarely pay extra attention to their children after the shots are administered, to look for possible signs of a reaction.) We recommend that you read our section on autism. You may also wish to read about health practitioners who may be able to help your nephew. Several are listed on our site in a section on reversing vaccine damage.
Good morning. Having come across your website, I thought you might be interested in my story. In November, my wife Sylvia (56) had a flu injection for the first time ever. For 5 days after, she had flu-like symptoms, but then felt better, and for 2 days was back to normal. On Monday, Nov 14 she was in bed and complaining about me trying to awaken her. She was agitated and vociferous (most unusual). Within one hour, her condition was worse and I called the doctor who immediately hospitalized her. She died there 3 weeks later and the doctors still had not found out the cause. A post mortem stated she had died as a result of an adverse reaction to the flu injection. I attach a copy of the post mortem for your information, and hope it will make others think before accepting these vaccines. I am still waiting for information from The Procurator Fiscal who is supposed to be investigating the vaccine. If you need any further details please contact me.
We're sorry about your loss. Thank you for sharing your experience so that we may share it with others.
Dear Thinktwice:
I am re-reading your book on vaccines -- Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? -- and you mention all the letters you get from people whose children have been damaged by vaccines, so I thought I'd write you a letter about my children who have not been damaged by vaccines.
When I was pregnant with my three-year-old, we were invited over to dinner by a family my husband had met at a church we were attending. Somehow the vaccine issue came up and the mother and father started telling us all about why they weren't vaccinating their children. They had your book and loaned it to us. Up to that time I had not given any thought to the vaccine issue and probably would have gone along with vaccinations as advised by my baby's doctor. In fact, I remember commenting to my husband once we got home that the reason these parents could get away with not vaccinating their children was because everyone else did vaccinate. I didn't feel right about taking advantage of the "herd immunity" while not participating in it. In any case, I read your book and very quickly learned that not only do vaccines cause problems, they don't seem to measure up in terms of providing immunity even to those taking them. I couldn't believe what I was reading. As if to confirm your writing, one day I was waiting to interview a potential pediatrician and picked up a CDC publication about vaccination. I found two untrue statements in the first sentence of the first paragraph on the first page! While I thought your views and tone were somewhat extreme at the time, my husband and I decided that there was more to the vaccination issue than we'd originally thought, and that we weren't going to allow our daughter to take any shots until we learned more. I read many of the other books out there, and over time it became clear that there just wasn't any good reason to vaccinate, so we still haven't vaccinated either one of our daughters. We also learned that due to some family medical history (i.e., lots of people with unexplained autoimmune disorders), it's very possible our children are contraindicated for vaccination anyway, but I don't have any confidence a doctor would have even brought that up.
As I mentioned, I'm re-reading your book now, and appalled at just how many problems are associated with just about every vaccine. I am so thankful that as a mother I have never experienced the trauma of holding down my screaming child for a shot, nor any of the common sequelae (such as hours of screaming, fever, and other common reactions) following the shots. I am thankful that when I do (rarely) take my children to doctors for some ailment, they don't automatically start crying the moment we walk in the door. Most of all I am thankful for my two beautiful, vivacious and HEALTHY daughters. My three-year-old has such a great vocabulary we often forget she's only three; both my babies are generally easy-going and don't fuss too much. My three-year-old doesn't get sick too much and when she does, she tolerates it well. Our 6-month-old hasn't gotten sick once so far. I'm told it's normal for babies to be sick with something or other nine times in their first year! Had I not opened up your book almost four years ago, who knows what I could be dealing with? Perhaps I'd still have my two healthy daughters; not every child reacts horribly to vaccines. Or, I could be dealing with any number of issues: autism, SIDS, behavioral problems.... Perhaps I'd instead be one of those heartbroken parents who write you every day because they found out too late that the shot their child just got has permanently damaged them in some way. Of course, I have no way of knowing what could have happened; however, I am extremely grateful for what I do know which has helped me make much better health decisions for my children. I'm thankful to the parents who loaned me your book and I'm thankful to you for writing it. Thank you so much. Because of your work, my children will not become another statistic of vaccine injury, and my husband and I will not have our hearts torn apart from helplessly seeing it happen.
Please send me one of your bumper stickers. Perhaps it could save a child sometime in the future.
Thank you for your kind comments regarding our work with vaccines. The problems are just as significant today as they were many years ago when we first addressed this issue. Parents continue to send us horrendous stories of their healthy children becoming permanently damaged or killed following their vaccines. Much more needs to be done to stop the madness, rectify the system, and honestly deal with the large-scale social problems related to this travesty. More people need to become aware and involved.
Thanks for requesting a bumper sticker.
Hi, I am a university student currently writing an article on vaccinations. I am on deadline and I would really appreciate it if you could answer a few short questions:
1. How important do you think it is for the government to publicize the amount of vaccines which lead to injury in young children?
Honesty in government is essential. Parents are entitled to make informed decisions. This requires access to both positive and negative data. Censorship is a form of deception. When parents are only aware of vaccine propaganda promoting benefits they are unable to accurately assess the true risks, and our precious children may become unwitting victims.
2. Do you think there is enough support for parents who have children that have suffered adverse effects from vaccinations?
Absolutely not! Parents of vaccine-damaged children are not supported. In fact, authorities do everything in their power to deny vaccine reactions and to impugn the intelligence and motivations of parents who claim them.
3. Do you think the government could do more to prevent future problems caused by vaccinations such as pour more money into researching it?
Additional research is superfluous. Current studies showing links between vaccines and serious health problems are ignored, so new studies wouldn't change a thing. The FDA, CDC and vaccine manufacturers are already aware of the damage inflicted by vaccines. Also, many of the current vaccine studies are bogus, conducted simply to support predetermined, desired results. The entire dysfunctional and corrupt system of research, licensing and approval must be overhauled before additional research would provide honest data that could be constructively used to improve preventive healthcare and truly benefit society.
On October 10 my 9-year-old daughter got her flu shot for the first time. Two days later, we flew to Hawaii and upon arriving she started getting a terrible cold, bad headache and sick stomach. That night, she woke up with a seizure. Six days later we flew home and that night again she had another seizure. My daughter has traveled the world since an infant and never had a problem with flying. So, we can only conclude that it has to do with the flu shot (nose spray type) she received for the first time. Her pediatrician said that if there's a reaction to the flu shot that it would occur immediately and not two days later. However, in talking to others, I was told it is possible. Can anybody confirm this? If it's really related to the flu shot, who do I report this to?
Thank you for helping the public to be aware of such danger. A friend of mine had shared with me your book on vaccines after she learned of our problem. My daughter is now on seizure medicine. She is upset that we had gone along with the doctor's order for a flu shot.
Doctors rarely acknowledge that vaccines can and often do cause serious adverse reactions. Your doctor is either misinformed or lying. This is very common. Of course, common sense tells us that the type of reaction you describe was most likely caused by the flu vaccine. With flu vaccines, you must also be wary of Guillain-Barre' syndrome. For more information, our site has additional data on the flu vaccine. To report this reaction, call VAERS: 1-800-822-7967. They will send you a packet.
Hi there. I came across your website by accident as I was researching whether we can get my baby to have her 6 month immunizations early as we are planning a trip to Jamaica in January. The info on your site is very interesting; I had no idea that the vaccines were so dangerous. So I just have a quick question that I was hoping you could answer. Is it safe to take a baby (she will be 6 months when we go) overseas without vaccinations? Is it safer to take our chances with her maybe getting something there or is it safer to take a chance with the vaccine. I'm so confused; I want her to be safe. Thank you very much in advance for your time.
Sorry, but your question is the kind that needs to be individually researched so that you can make an informed decision. Everyone wants their baby to be safe -- an indisputable reason that the vaccine issue is difficult for so many people. The Vaccine Safety Manual contains separate chapters on "overseas" vaccines, including shots for tuberculosis, yellow fever, typhoid fever, cholera, and Japanese encephalitis. This comprehensive vaccine guide also contains chapters on hepatitis A, hepatitis B and many other commonly administered immunizations. Therefore, we highly recommended this book to begin your vaccine studies. Best wishes with your vaccine education.
Dear Thinktwice, I have a 3-month-old gorgeous baby girl. The decision whether to vaccinate or not (or selectively) is currently weighing heavy in our household. Before I read the first shred on vaccines, something deep inside me told me it was just plain wrong, a commission of violence against my beautiful daughter's yet undeveloped immune system and myelin sheath. I tend to err on the side of holistic health practices, and therefore against vaccinating. My husband has come around somewhat, but tends to err more on the side of the mainstream when it comes to health practices (although not other things). I think he has done enough of his own research to be scared of vaccines, but he also seems to buy into the whole pre-vaccine era propaganda, i.e. "vaccines are the greatest medical discovery of our time," blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, it is hard for me to get to the library and do research outside of the internet with a new baby who is breastfeeding every 2 hours or so. I feel like time is closing in as my husband is looking for me to decide what to do, and I feel a bit disorganized in the research department. I would so appreciate if you would point me the way of scientific studies that poke holes in vaccines, and tell me the easiest way to access them. I need this evidence to show my husband. He claims that there is tons of scientific proof for vaccines, but when I ask him to show it to me, he can't. He can't believe it when I tell him that there is not a single double-blind placebo controlled study on vaccinations.
We are lucky that our pediatrician is sort of old fashioned and is not at all pressuring us either way. She did say that if it were her kids she would do the Hib and Prevnar since she has seen the havoc that meningitis can wreak on a baby. She saw a patient's 9-month-old die within 12 hours. I was surprised as these are more newfangled vaccines, and I can't imagine that we have yet seen many of the long-term effects associated with them. How many kids really die of meningitis each year. We didn't have these vaccines when we were growing up and I never heard of a single case. She said we could "wait" to do the others like DTaP and polio. I am not really worried about these diseases except for pertussis. It scares me because apparently it can be very tough on a baby less than 6 months old. Our pediatrician said that pertussis "goes around" every winter, so of course I am freaked out since winter is about here. Ironically, this is also the scariest vaccine. Enough of my rambling. I can't tell you how any help would be appreciated.
Every parent needs to do the research and come to their own conclusions and vaccine decisions. For starters, we recommend perusing our website and others like it. Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? is one vaccine book with lots of documentation. There are others to read as well. Compare these with official fact sheets on vaccines.
You may also wish to consider the following: More babies in the United States die of malnutrition every year than from many of these diseases. Why do we not hear about and fear this deadly ailment? Could it be that a vaccine was not developed to address malnutrition? If a vaccine were developed to combat malnutrition, do you think the industry would hype the dangers of non-vaccinating against malnutrition? What about bee stings? Your precious baby is at risk of a dangerous sting. Does she wear a bee suit to protect her? Do you think that if a vaccine were available to "protect" against bee stings, you would hear more about it in the media and would be more nervous about the risks of not vaccinating your baby against bee stings?
We suggest that you continue with your studies until you and your husband are more comfortable with your understanding of the issues. Best wishes.
I always suspected that Jerry's Kids for MS, MD and ALS was a front for the drug companies to do research on the damage that vaccines cause -- at the expense of the people that they harmed -- but I have no proof. Have you ever noticed how they sucked $20 billion in spare change out of the gullible public since the 1960s and they are nowhere nearer to a treatment or cure? I wish I had a con running like that for that long. Oh, wait, you need the government's backing for that level of crime.
France removed the hepatitis B vaccine from the market a few years ago because it was apparently causing multiple sclerosis and/or MS-like symptoms. There are many studies linking vaccines with neurological debilities. Our website lists some of these studies.
I have been reading testimonies of death and damage from vaccinations today. I am filled with sorrow and sympathy for these poor families. I am shocked at the indifference of doctors to these needless deaths. I know that they are not ignorant to the dangers of vaccinations, but they continue to condone them and even force them on wary parents.
Reading testimony after testimony I begin to cry. I can only imagine the pain these families have and still endure. Just as I am filled with so much sorrow, my little baby boy, who has been sleeping soundly on my lap, wakes up and smiles. His smile reminds me of how lucky he is, and we all are, that we chose not to have him vaccinated.
I found your website, and many different books, just two weeks before my baby's vaccinations were due. We decided to put off his vaccinations. He still hasn't received a vaccination, and I never want him to be victim to the injection of deadly poisons. So, thank you for being there when we were in need. You never know you may have saved my baby's life.
Thanks for your support of our efforts.
Dear Thinktwice, what's your viewpoint on stuff like this [a newspaper article entitled "Bond Markets to Raise $4 Billion for Vaccines]? It seems like it would be tough in the public eye to take any kind of stance against it and the "humanitarian" side of Bill Gates [regarding his donations for vaccines].
A couple of years ago we had a severe drought that killed millions of our Pinon trees. They couldn't produce enough sap to repel different types of bark beetles, which invaded the trees. Many experts recommended different pesticides (analogy: drugs/vaccines) to spray on the trees to kill the beetles (analogy: germs/disease). None of the pesticides worked. However, some people realized the true solution required proper nutrition. They watered the trees closest to their home. These trees were able to produce enough sap to repel all of the invading beetles.
Bill Gates and the medical industry are focusing on the wrong technique. Why do children succumb to disease? Malnourishment is a big problem and should be addressed. Archie Kalokorinos wrote a book in the 1970s entitled "Every Second Child." In a DPT vaccination campaign aimed at Aborigine babies, one of every two vaccinated babies died. However, when vitamin C was administered to babies prior to the shots, the babies lived.
There may also be an emotional and spiritual dimension to disease that we are overlooking, although it may take many generations before we are able to fully understand this healthcare link. For example, we are always surrounded by germs. Why do we succumb to them on some occasions but not others? My children never visited a doctor. They were born at home and we used natural remedies, such as herbs and homeopathy, when they became sick. Actually, my wife used natural remedies for our children. When our kids were sick (which was rare) I simply talked with them to try and understand why their immune system temporarily weakened. Emotional issues were usually the culprit. My daughter reacted poorly following a stressful event, such as an argument with her girlfriend. My son reacted poorly prior to a stressful event, like an upcoming chess tournament (which he competed in). After we talked and figured out exactly what was irritating their internal equilibrium, or causing their anxiety, the emotional stress was relieved and the health issue (sniffles, etc.) resolved on its own.
I am a new mother of a beautiful 5-month-old girl whose 8-year-old half-brother was stricken with severe epilepsy and mild autism following his MMR shots when he was 18 months old. During his life he has suffered over 50+ seizures, some minor and some requiring hospitalization. I have been battling everyone I know about not immunizing her even though her brother WON A LAWSUIT and has money in a trust to pay for his school and medical/living expenses. It is really hard to find out how to get my daughter into daycare and school without these shots. The School Board website just says that it is required -- there is NO mention of a waiver/affidavit and I feel that is totally irresponsible of them to make parents believe they do not have a choice. I am thankful that my parents support us (my dad laughs because he never got any shots and he is 69 years young and doing great), and my daughter's doctor "agrees to disagree" and honors our wishes. I know that we will be battling this issue her whole life but I am glad that you are out there as a resource for my family. I am glad to know that someone out there lets us realize that we have the right to think for ourselves and the right to hear the whole story and all of our options before making a decision. Thank you again.
Thanks for your sharing your story.
Is the newborn vitamin K shot truly a vaccine? Can I take an exemption against it? Also, do you have any links/info on the vitamin K shot?
The vitamin K shot is not a vaccine. Studies show a link between the vitamin K shot and an increased risk of leukemia. (The Vitamin K shot is thoroughly evaluated in the Vaccine Safety Manual.) You may be able to reject this shot at birth. Oral vitamin K is an option.
I am the mother of a 13-month-old daughter, a 3-year-old daughter, and a 7-year-old son. Although I have always been against the idea, I have allowed immunizations for all three to the present. My eldest children had typical reactions such as fever and many sleepless nights. My baby daughter has been extremely ill for three weeks following her 12-month "well-visit," including shots. The only new one was the MMR. She experienced fever up to 102 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, complete loss of appetite, and pain in her joints (knees, ankles, elbows, wrists). She has been learning American Sign Language and began signing "hurt" and pointing to her joints. It has been heartbreaking to see her lose the ability to stand and walk. The physicians originally agreed that her fever and symptoms (one week after the shots) were a result of the MMR live viruses. After a couple of weeks, they said that her illnesses were unrelated (although symptoms remained the same). She is now beginning to recover, but is not yet herself. I took a perfectly healthy, happy, little girl to the doctor and our lives have been a nightmare for one month. I will definitely trust my instincts and not take another chance. I homeschool my "advanced" oldest already, because I feel that many public schools (like the medical profession) are concerned with the masses and not the well-being and best interest of individuals. I am concerned, however, about their entering schools or universities. I would much rather they choose to have the immunizations as adults rather than while growing. Also, our pediatric office has a policy of denying treatment if children are not up-to-date on shots. We live in Georgia and the doctors are very influenced by the CDC. Have you ever heard of similar reactions and are you familiar with Georgia laws?
Many studies link the rubella vaccine and MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine with arthritis and joint pain, especially in females. Here are a few of these studies:
Cooper, L.Z., et al. "Transient arthritis after rubella vaccination." Am
J Dis Child 1969; 118:218-225.
Spruance, S.L., et al. "Joint complications associated with derivatives
of HPV-77 rubella virus vaccine." American Journal of Diseases in Children
1971; 122:105-111.
Swartz, T.A., et al. "Clinical manifestations, according to age, among
females given HPV-77 duck rubella vaccine." American Journal of Epidemiology
1971; 94:246-51.
Weibel, R.E., et al. "Influence of age on clinical response to HPV-77
duck rubella vaccine." J. of American Medical Association 1972; 222:805-807.
Thompson, G.R., et al. "Intermittent arthritis following rubella
vaccination: a three year follow-up." American Journal of Diseases of
Children 1973; 125:526-530.
Chantler, J.K., et al. "Persistent rubella infection and
rubella-associated arthritis." Lancet (June 12, 1982):1323-1325.
Tingle, A.J., et al. "Prolonged arthritis, viraemia,
hypogamma-globulinaemia, and failed seroconversion following rubella
immunisation." Lancet 1984; 1:1475-1476.
Tingle, A.J., et al. "Postpartum rubella immunization: association with
development of prolonged arthritis, neurological sequelae, and chronic
rubella viremia." Journal of Infectious Diseases 1985; 152:606-612.
Tingle, A.J., et al. "Rubella-associated arthritis. Comparative study of
joint manifestations associated with natural rubella infection and RA 27/3
rubella immunisation." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1986; 45:110-114.
Institute of Medicine. Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella
Vaccines. (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1991).
Benjamin, C.M., et al. "Joint and limb symptoms in children after
immunisation with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine." British Medical
Journal 1992; 304:1075-78.
Georgia permits a religious exemption. Please visit our section on vaccine laws for more information.
How can you become a Pediatritionist? What school can you attend?
The School of Common Sense and Independent Research will help to educate and wean you from unhealthy allopathic idolatry.
To who it may concern, My son who is 5 years old just started to attend kindergarten in public school. His immunization records show that he received his 1st MMR and Varicella shots 2 days before he turned 1 year old. The second was when he was 4 years old. I just received a disturbing letter from his school that he was vaccinated too early and that they need to have the records straight by Friday (10/06/2006) or they can't admit him to school from Monday on. It sounds ridiculous to me and I have no idea where and how to fix it. Does school have a right to expel my son if he was vaccinated but just so short of 12 months? What can I do keep my son in school? We live in New Jersey. Thank you.
Gosh, the authorities have no common sense; this is nonsense. We believe there is more risk to receiving additional vaccines than from having been vaccinated two days early. NJ offers religious exemptions.
I am very concerned about the content and the tone of this website. Neither side is portrayed very objectively.
Our goal is to provide important vaccine information that is not being provided on the thousands of "official" FDA and CDC websites. We are not interested in mimicking their propaganda, just as they have no intention of posting true rates of adverse reactions and other data that would permit parents to make honest, informed decisions.
The facts about mercury, vaccine contamination, and side effects are all very concerning. But I am also very concerned about a world without vaccines. Childhood illnesses were a terrible scourge, and it is irrefutable that they were eradicated for the better of all humanity.
This "irrefutable" contention of yours is quite refutable. For example, the polio vaccine has spread SV-40 throughout the world, causing cancer rates to skyrocket. This is documented in more than 60 peer-reviewed studies throughout the world. Reducing polio while increasing cancer is not "irrefutable" evidence of the vaccine's benefit to society.
Which side is right? I don't know. But right now there does not exist an alternative to the total prevention of these devastating childhood illnesses. And as of today, this website has not demonstrated an alternative. Until that moment, I think it's irresponsible that you are discouraging vaccination without suggesting a proper alternative.
A proper alternative is to investigate each vaccine individually and decide on the merits of the evidence whether the benefits outweigh the risks. Upon an honest assessment of the facts, many parents are deciding that profit motives trump safety concerns. The U.S. Congress agrees. A few years ago, a Congressional Hearing discovered that FDA and CDC committees responsible for licensing and recommending vaccines were in bed with the pharmaceutical industry. Many members of these committees were on the vaccine makers' payrolls. You are entitled to vaccinate your family just as others are entitled to reject the allopathic model. Thanks for sharing your concerns.
Hello, I live in Minnesota. Recently, during a routine physical exam for my 14-year-old daughter, I was asked to leave the room so the doctor could ask her some questions. That was okay with me; I left. But when I returned, I was told that my daughter had just been given the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) shot. I had not been given the chance to ask questions. I did not have a chance to decline. I was not told they were going to do it! Was this actually illegal, for them to give this to her without my verbal or signed consent? It really annoys me. As always, they assured me it was safe.
What this doctor did is outrageous. Parental consent is required for an invasive medical procedure, especially when there is no medical emergency. Furthermore, you were in the next room so your consent or decline of consent, could have been solicited. I assume this doctor asked your daughter privately if she was sexually active, and scared her into believing that she was susceptible to cervical cancer, and hyped up their brand new vaccine. This vaccine has many problems. For example, it contains neurotoxic aluminum; no long-term studies of this vaccine were conducted; it will not protect against the many HPV types not included in the vaccine; girls and young women rarely develop cervical cancer because this ailment mainly strikes elderly women. Besides, many studies show that folic acid, lycopene (found in tomatoes) and beta-carotene (vitamin A) can stop and reverse precursors to cervical cancer.
Also, this vaccine is expensive, requiring 3 doses -- a real boon for doctors and the pharmaceutical company. Since you didn't request this vaccine, you may wish to refuse payment. Let the doctor bill your daughter, who can't be held liable because she is below the age of consent and wasn't able to make an informed decision.
Wow, Thank you for all of that. It just makes me so angry. I've actually been consenting to the standard vaccines all of my life and that of my children's. I did not want my daughter to have this shot. I know she is not sexually active. And I know it is very new. I will decline vaccines for the rest of our lives. Thank you so much!
I received a tetanus vaccine in January and started adverse effects eight days later. After many months of tests I was informed that there was no antidote for the effects caused by the vaccine. Is there a test that can determine how much of the vaccine is left in my system?
Our website lists practitioners who attempt to remove damaging effects of vaccines. Visit Vaccine Damage Reversals for more information.
Hello, I'm the mother of two boys. One is 10 and one is 9 weeks old. Neither are vaccinated, and never have been. My oldest son has never been to see a doctor since he was born. He has never taken a drug in his life, not even Tylenol. He has had one fever in his life and when he gets a cold it lasts one day, and most would hardly classify it as a cold. Maybe it's our genes, maybe not. Who knows? The reason I chose to not immunize is because I had a gut feeling it was wrong. I never researched anything. I do now, just to occasionally defend myself. Anyway, thanks for having this website available. May you live long and healthy.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing you in the hope that you will be able to steer me in the right direction. I discovered your website while searching the internet for answers. Please forgive me for sending you my personal experience but I am hoping to find out where I should go to report my case and raise awareness and find additional information.
I have a 20-month-old daughter. She was faithfully given all of her vaccinations at the recommended times at each of her well-baby checks (until 12 months -- I have ceased all additional vaxes for the time being). I had never researched the pros and cons of vaxing until recently, as I assumed they were all safe and trusted the judgment of the State and my doctor. During that short 12 months of time she received 20 shots! Many of them were repeated doses and combo vaccines.
On January 11, my daughter received DTaP, Hib, Polio, MMR and PCV. Within days or weeks (I didn't record the first occurrence because I thought the marks were from her scratching her face with her spoon) she began breaking out in hives on her face whenever she ate peas (a member of the legume family). We also began to notice that she developed an intolerance to dairy (though this has gone away - by 16 months). Then on March 2, less than 2 months after her 12-month immunizations, she had an anaphlyactic reaction to one bite of peanut butter toast. I didn't realize it was an anaphylactic reaction at the time. Needless to say we took her to an allergy specialist (which took months to schedule an appointment) and had her tested and blood work done. We were prescribed epi pens for her peanut allergy and also advised to avoid all nuts. She is also allergic to peas, egg and chic pea although we don't require an epi pen for these. We were told that my daughter is a medical anomaly since there is no history of peanut allergy in myself or my husband or any of our extended family. There is no history of food allergy of any kind, for that matter.
I had no idea that there was a possibility that her vaccines and her allergy could be connected until this last week when I started researching vaccines after hearing many stories from other parents. One of the websites I found contained [a study that specifically links anaphylactic food reactions to vaccines]. Within the last two weeks my daughter has also started showing a sensitivity to food dye -- especially red #40. I am in the midst of taking her to another specialist because we have moved.
All of this has been very hard on our family, as is expected. We are angry and horrified at the level of risk that many of these vaccines carry and the relaxed attitude the medical field seems to attribute to them. We would like to stand up and advocate for the cause and do what we can to help bring more awareness to the possibility that the rise of anaphylaxis can be connected with vaccinations. Is there a U.S. based company/organization/etc. that I need to file a adverse reaction with? Do you know of any other studies or connections to this that exist -- other than the article I referenced? I am amazed that I can't find anything else.
I'm sure I will be met with severe skepticism along this journey but I can tell you from momma instinct that this is all VERY connected. My daughter had always reacted negatively to vaccines by displaying a fever and throwing up and being lethargic and cranky. I was always told these are normal reactions. I did the best I could to protect her from allergies by breastfeeding her, waiting to introduce solids, etc. In fact, we are still nursing and I am hoping that this will help to counteract her sensitivity to peanuts and reduce it over time.
I appreciate any information or advice that you can give me. I also appreciate the time you have given to this long-winded message.
On January 11, your child was injected with 9 powerful drugs. We would be surprised if she did not have a serious reaction. Extreme allergies is a commonly reported debility under similar circumstances. You can file a report with VAERS: 1-800-822-7967. Our site lists the names and contact information of people working to reverse vaccine damage. You may also wish to consider the lawyers listed on our site who specialize in vaccine damage cases. Best wishes on a complete healing.
I cannot believe I have not checked online the information available concerning this issue. I have a 24-year-old son who is mentally disabled with undiagnosed causes. The problem started with his checkups as a baby. The first shot at two months caused fever and lethargy and the doctor just said to keep watch. After several days, he was okay. This happened again with the second shot at four months, and at six months he received the third shot. The next morning when I turned on the light he went spastic and started making strange staccato sounds. Each day got worse and the seizures continued for some time. The doctor was not sure what to do. This went on for months. During this time the doctor diagnosed him as deaf, which I knew could not be correct, because until that time he reacted to the noises of his older brother and friends and usual home noises. He did appear deaf for about six months and then started reacting to sounds again. He no longer could roll over, sit up, or have eye contact with anyone.
At almost a year, a friend called to tell me about a program on Phil Donahue about children with this issue and the parents were attributing the problem to the DPT vaccine. When I asked my doctor about it, he became very defensive and explained it away, but "lost" all of our son's records, and when I told him I wanted another opinion and another doctor, he quickly sent over what little information he had left. Our son could not walk until 5 years of age, was not potty-trained until age 6, on and on and on. You get the picture.
Through the years, I have had him with neurologists who refused to believe it could have been the shot. He has had seizures through most of his childhood. He is on meds for ADD and other issues and has the mentality of a three-year-old in most areas. He has gone from a diagnosis of deaf to autistic, until today he is considered undiagnosed with autistic-like behavior. He is a very sociable, loving person. It has been an incredible journey for all of us and I believe he started out as a very healthy, happy baby, with no exceptions at birth (an apgar score of 10). He has been in special education all through the years, and is now living in a residential home close by. He is a happy, pleasant, tall (6'5"), very attractive young man who has no idea what has happened to him. Fortunately for him, other than seizures and reactions to the meds he has been put on, he has been healthy for the most part. There were many struggles through the years because he did not understand what was wrong, and training him was an uphill battle at best. Unless you have lived through the problems I speak of, you cannot imagine what it does to the dynamics of the whole family, etc.
Through the years I have tried to get doctors to consider seriously this could have been caused by the shot so that statistics realistically represent what is happening. The answer has always been there is no proof to support our claim.
I have tried to educate family and friends as much as possible, and many of them waited until their child was six months old to start the process. This may have helped.
I did not have access to a computer to research this issue for the first ten years, and did not have the energy to put into it. At some point I just accepted what was and did not want to go there, even though we received regular phone calls from attorneys encouraging us to consider a lawsuit. Nothing can bring back the potential our son has lost, and we have come to terms with what is, but I would like to figure out how I could help get the word out that the issue is still there, especially for the male population which seems to be affected the most.
Thanks for the website. I hope it has made a difference for others!
Thanks for sharing your story. Our website offers suggestions for anyone wishing to "get the word out" and help make a difference.
Thanks for your website, and all the resources. I feel very uninformed, but am encouraged that I'm finally learning about vaccines. We have a 1-yr-old daughter who is scheduled to receive her fourth set of shots next week. I'm not going to let them vaccinate her because I have a strong feeling that her eczema, severe anaphylactic reactions, hives and other allergies are due to her immunizations. Although we are thankful and blessed that our daughter has not had more serious reactions, I wonder if you receive emails from parents who suspect the eczema and allergies to be as a result of the shots?
She received her first Hep B in the hospital at 2 days old, then got all three sets of the usual newborn scheduled immunizations. Her eczema started when she was about 3 1/2 months old -- a rash on her tummy. This developed into eczema on her legs and face. Over the past 9 months we've seen her break out into hives regularly from many different foods, and we've been in the emergency room twice for anaphylactic reactions to dairy and goat's milk. (Each time they put her on prednisone which only added fuel to the fire.) The eczema/rash spread to her arms, neck, hands, but it's always been the worst on her legs (the site of all the shots). We've had to bandage her legs and arms at times because of the weeping and itching from the rashes. She rubs her legs CONSTANTLY when she's trying to go to sleep and then all through the night. The strange thing is, that since we've been giving her immune-system building nutrition (especially in the last 3 months) she's begun to detox. She's had boils on her legs, hard pimples and sores all over her body. Thankfully, we've never had her on antibiotics, even though I've been given a prescription for them and all kinds of steroid creams. Her skin on her face is finally smooth, and her arms and legs have not been weeping -- for the first time in months! Her body continues the detox through her legs and bowels. She has metallic-smelling poops.
The last set of shots she had at around 7 months. I don't want to give her any more. Has anyone else reported anything similar? Thank you again. I would love to be able to network with some other parents who share the same struggles.
Yes, other parents have reported similar experiences. Allergies and eczema have been linked to vaccines. Our site lists vaccine studies that you may wish to investigate. We'll post your story for others' benefit. Thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes.
My 78-year-old mother was given a tetanus shot in July in an E.R. after a fall in her living room. She had scratched her nose with her eyeglasses, and they apparently give the shot routinely to anyone admitted with a scratch or cut. Within 3 hours, she was intubated, as her throat had closed, and her tongue had swelled outside of her mouth. She also had some facial swelling. The ventilator was removed after 4 days, however, she wasn't able to swallow, eat, or breathe properly after that, and passed away 7 days later.
What is the appropriate use of a tetanus vaccine in a 78-year-old woman with no cut or gash? I question the routine administration of this vaccine in any facility. Is there a registry or log for this kind of incident in adults/senior citizens with regard to tetanus administration? Please forward as appropriate.
Doctors often give the tetanus shot like a magic amulet to ward off evil influences; it's more of a superstitious rite than science. A scratch should not be reason enough to administer this shot. Instead, people with deep puncture wounds, and who live in areas that are likely to harbor the tetanus spore, are better candidates. They used to call tetanus lockjaw. It sounds like your mother had a serious reaction to the shot. File a report with VAERS: 1-800-822-7967. You may also wish to hold the culprits accountable for your mother's death. Our site lists several law firms that specialize in this field. Best wishes.
I want to share my story with everyone on this website. When my son was born, healthy, no problems, I took him into his pediatrician's office for his first month check-up. He received 4 shots: DTaP, HIB, IPV. [This is actually 5 drugs/vaccines administered simultaneously.] He screamed terrible after the shots and fell asleep in the car ride home. Woke up 20 minutes later at home and screamed a sound like no other for 3 hours. He wouldn't drink a bottle, or breastfeed. He then, for 3 weeks, had "colic," terrible screaming for hours in mid afternoon, evening hours. At 4 months, I brought him to the pediatrician for his 4-month shots, and he again, screamed for hours, wanted to be held non-stop. Also when I put him down for his nap, his entire crib was covered in urine, so much, I'd never seen before. He stopped babbling, laughing, smiling, playing for 3 weeks. I finally researched adverse reactions, and found this website, Thank God. I feel so lucky to have stopped giving him his shots. They are what caused soooo many problems for him. Today he is 18 months old, very smart, intelligent, ahead in all milestones. I will never give my child a vaccine. You can fight vaccines; they are not mandatory for school or daycare. Each state has its own rules!! You can deny all vaccinations for philosophical reasons, medical, or religious depending on yours state!! Please THINKTWICE before giving your child vaccines that can hurt them!! It's not worth your child's life!! From- Mother of 18-month-old.
Thanks for sharing your story. We're glad to hear that your son is now okay because parents often report that when their child had a serious reaction to one set of shots, it was the next set of shots that resulted in irreversible damage. Best wishes.
I am sending this email to share my story of what happened to my 15-year-old daughter. When my daughter was 11 1/2 years old, she developed what we thought was a sinus problem. After taking her to the normal doctor and an ear, nose, and throat doctor, it was recommended that an MRI be done. That MRI revealed a tumor, or mass, in her brain. I had already done research about vaccines after I married my husband, who is the stepfather to my 2 older children, and had decided that no more of my children would have any more vaccines when me and my husband had kids. My daughter had a biopsy done to find out what the mass was that was discovered in the MRI, and it was diagnosed as a brain tumor. After getting her dignosis, I researched her condition and realized early on that her condition was probably because of the polio vaccines she received as a baby and child.
She underwent chemo and radiation, and when the tumor shrank enough, she went to a specialized children's hospital for more treatment. After getting high dose chemo (which I did not realize was so bad) the doctors declared her in remission. In June of 2005 she started having health problems and it was discovered the cancer had spread and was quickly spreading to other parts of her body and the doctors said she would have about 6 months to live. She received some radiation, and also took some other cancer medicines in hopes of controlling the cancer but the medicines worked for only about 4 months. On October 31, she went into the hospital for the last time. She was put on breathing assistance and painkillers to keep her comfortable, and I signed a DNR order for her because I knew that trying to revive her would do no good. She had lost the ability to walk, use the bathroom, or feel anything at all. She held on until November 8 when she passed away.
It is very hard for me to write this but other people need to know the truth about what can happen. I know in my soul it was the polio vaccine that created her cancer. The vaccine passed the blood/brain barrier, and when she started to develop physically it triggered the growth of the tumor. She had pineoblastoma, and the tumor was very near the pineal gland that controls physical maturity. I am hoping that by me writing this, it will make people really think about what they are doing when they accept vaccines for themselves or their children. The loss of my daughter is not just mine either: she had a brilliant mind, made straight A's and could have had college paid for. She wanted to eventually work at NASA. She would have been a great asset to this world and I feel the world will lack something because of her death!
I will never do another vaccine for myself or my children again, and I am pleading with others to really think about it. The vaccine that you or your child may get today might not affect your lives now, but it could in the future. If only I knew then what I know now, my daughter would be alive and a part of my family. She was only 15, only had one boyfriend, only been kissed once, and never even got a learning permit to drive. She would have been 16 years old on her birthday this year. I will never see her get married, have babies, or a successful career...all over getting a vaccine that was supposed to help "protect" her against a disease.
We're very sorry to hear about the terrible loss of your daughter. It seems like she would have made many great contributions to society. Although some polio vaccines have been scientifically linked to increases in brain cancers, bone cancers, lung cancers and leukemia, it is not possible to determine if this occurred in her case without resorting to speculation. That is one of the problems with some vaccines which may not manifest damage for several months or years. We wish you much peace, and send our blessings for a healing of your grief.
Hi, I am a mother of four wonderful kids. I took the kids to get school shots last Thursday on August 3rd. My 2-year-old was behind on her shots and I have to say it was partly because I was a worried about the shots and their effects. She had also been sick a lot and I didn't want to take her in while sick or when she was only having short periods of times of wellness between times of being ill. She hasn't been feeling good since the shots but still seemed okay. I was giving her Motrin and hadn't noticed any high fevers until today when she had fallen asleep in the car, and when we arrived home she was groggy and I picked her up and noticed she was burning up. She had a temperature of almost 103. I called the clinic and they informed me no one was there so I needed to call the nurse line. I did so and she kept asking if she had been given the MMR shot. I looked at the records and only saw three shots recorded. I could have sworn they gave her four. It was her 18-month series and I saw no MMR marked for that day. We were rushed in and out with no data on side effects or warnings. I was only told to stick around for 15 minutes and after that there would be no need to worry, that if they were to have a reaction we would know in 15 minutes. All the kids were given shots very fast and kind of rough. The older two have had tummy aches since then and my older one has had headaches as well. My son (who is five) had trouble walking while still in the hospital and I had to carry him while my 11-year-old carried my two-year- old. He complained for a couple of days about the pain in his legs but could still walk. My two-year-old had a few bad days after prior shots and I think I even stayed home with her once and the babysitter had to hold her all day on one of the days. I was told that was normal and no need to see her. Today, though, the nurse said she only needed to be seen within 24 hours and to only take her in to the ER if I could not get the fever to go down and that I could treat the fever at home if it were 101 or less. My daughter soon perked up and was somewhat normal for a couple of hours and then got lethargic again. Her temperature went up to 103.2 and it had only been 4 hours since her last dose of Motrin. I gave her a bath and some Tylenol. An hour later it was at 103.1. I thought I would give it longer and she was sleeping. She awoke 2 hours after her dose of Tylenol and still had a temperature of 101.7 and was very lethargic. I began to make plans for my neighbor to come be w/the other kids since my husband is in Iraq. I then gave her Motrin and after awhile it went down to 101. The reason I have not taken her to the ER is that this military hospital is horrible. They are so stupid here and I would more than likely have to wait a long time and probably just get sent home and told she had a virus. I trust the clinic doctors more and feel like she would have a better chance with them. I have been told we have the second to the worst hospital in the country. Army hospitals that is. Anyway, I just need to know if these are enough symptoms to be concerned. She also has had loss of appetite and more cranky than normal and not as energetic, bouts of lethargy. My other concern had been that because my oldest daughter had developed epilepsy when she was in first grade, had grand mal seizure at school, and they have never been able to tell why she had it. I went to several different docs in four states and no one could give me answers. She also had ADD and bouts of depression. Her meds have kept her seizure-free for 2 years and they just took her off them and none yet. She was diagnosed with complex partial seizures. She would have several a day, ones where she was staring off and twitching. She has to go in for an EEG, though, to see if there is any activity. A few months back I became friends with my husband's sgt's wife who says her daughter had developed seizures from shots and that now she is slow and didn't talk for a long time. She is seizure-free now but still has learning disabilities. Is it common for some to outgrow the seizures if they are from the shots? Is it common to have a reaction to shots when you have already had them? Are older kids at risk too? Thank you so much. I am so scared my baby girl is in trouble because of my ignorance, and my husband isn't here to hold her or comfort her, and what if the worst happens and he doesn't get to? Thanks again.
Seizures are a form of brain damage. Even if they stop occurring after a few months or years, some mothers and fathers have complained that they may result in mental slowness, learning disabilities or other neurological symptoms. Evidence also indicates that vaccines may be extra risky to give to children with siblings who previously exhibited seizures. If one sibling had a serious reaction to shots, other siblings may be at greater risk. You seem overwhelmed. Nevertheless, you apparently need more vaccine education; thus, we recommend that you become more aware of vaccine risks and take a more active role in understanding what your children are receiving when they go to the doctor. Best wishes.
First off, I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to the parents of children who have been killed or injured from the hepatitis B and other vaccines. I'm writing this email just to let you know that you are reaching people and making a difference. My story sheds a little humorous light in a very, very dark room.
My wife gave birth to our first child (a girl) just three days ago. On our baby's second day of life they gave us a bunch of papers to fill out. One of the papers was a hepatitis B vaccine consent form. I was not at the hospital when they told my wife that it was very important that our child have the hepatitis B vaccine. When I got to the hospital she gave me the paper work and told me that she had been told that it was important to have our baby inoculated for Hep B. I looked over the fact sheet about Hep B that they gave us and found it strange that they wanted to inoculate our two-day-old baby for a disease that is transmitted (and I'm quoting the fact sheet) "by having unprotected sex with an infected person, by sharing needles when injecting illegal drugs, by being stuck with a used needle on the job, or during birth when the virus passes from an infected mother to her baby."
When another nurse asked about our hepatitis B consent form, I told her, "I have some questions for our pediatrician before we sign this form." Sure enough, the next day the maternity's on-duty pediatrician came by to answer my questions (not our child's selected pediatrician). Keep in mind that I was very open-minded to the idea of giving my two-day-old this vaccination if it was somehow beneficial to her. I asked, "How long has the vaccination been around?" This doctor fumbled out (no joke) "Oh five, ten, about 15 or twenty years." I asked her if there were any side effects of the vaccine. She said "There are some minimal side effects in a small percentage of children." I then asked her about any long-term side effects. She said "Well, you never can really tell, there is always a chance that there is an unknown side effect that may appear, but that is doubtful." I then got the famous line: "The risk of vaccination outweighs the risk of getting the disease." I told her "I agree with you 100% (if you're a junky, have unprotected sex, or work at an E.R.). But I trust the drug companies about as far as I can spit with my mouth closed. Look at what they have done with Ritalin; they cram that down the throats of every kid they can." The doctor told me, "I agree with you." So I told her, "I'm really not that worried of my new born baby having unprotected sex, sharing needles with a junky, or accidentally poking herself with a dirty needle at work. (My wife is Hep B negative and we had a C-section anyway.) So I kind of don't see the point in giving the Hep B vaccine to our baby." Now at this point the doctor is literally backing into the corner of the room. "Well, to be honest with you, I'm not sure why they lowered the recommended age from 14 to newborn." I told her, "don't get me wrong, if there is something beneficial to this for my baby then I want to know what it is but...I just don't see the point!?" She said, "Well I will go and print out some more information for you to answer more of your questions." We have not seen her since then. And after a visit to your website and a few others like it, this is the final nail in the Hep B vaccine coffin. We will never have our baby or any future children vaccinated for Hep B.
This vaccine was not originally intended to protect infants from hepatitis B because babies were never at risk from this disease. Furthermore, early studies showed an efficacy period of just a few years. In other words, the "benefit" would wear off years before these babies would become sexually active and possibly at risk of contracting Hepatitis B.
The vaccination age was lowered to infancy because true at-risk groups were not getting vaccinated, and babies were considered "accessible." (This was the actual marketing term used by the authorities.) By vaccinating babies, authorities believed it would provide passive immunity to the at-risk groups. In other words, babies are being vaccinated with hepatitis B not to protect them in case they engage in risky behaviors years later (the vaccine wouldn't last that long), but rather to protect at-risk groups that cannot be reached with the vaccine, or to protect at-risk people who simply refuse the vaccine. Babies are being subjected to all of the risks of this vaccine without an expected benefit.
I am a new mom who just had my baby girl almost 2 weeks ago on July 25. While I was pregnant I did a lot of reading and research on vaccines and their adverse effects and decided that I am not going to vaccinate my daughter. When I found out I was pregnant, my midwives told me that my blood work showed that I was not immune to rubella and that I should be vaccinated after the baby was born. I didn't give it much thought after that. Then when I was being discharged from the hospital after giving birth, the nurse said I needed to get the shot for rubella since I was not immune. Against my better judgment I allowed them to give me the shot. I was so happy to have my baby and to be going home that I just did it. Also, I was thinking it would be better for me to get it and for my baby to get the antibodies from me through nursing than for her to be exposed to the vaccine.
Shortly after coming home I started having headaches that wouldn't go away. I have to take Tylenol or Motrin every 4 hours or I am miserable. I finally called my doctor after being home almost a week with continuous headaches and she had me come to the office to check my blood pressure, which was fine. They asked if I had had an epidural since headaches are a common side effect, but I didn't. They told me it was probably just tension headaches from the stresses of being a new mom and to try some caffeine. But today almost 2 weeks since I had my baby I am still experiencing these headaches, so I decided to look up some of the side effects of the rubella vaccine and sure enough mild to severe headaches is listed along with joint pain. I am wondering if anyone else has reported these type of symptoms after receiving vaccines as an adult. And if they have, what did they do for them? I am so glad I have chosen not to vaccinate my daughter. Any information about this would be so appreciated.
Dr. F. Edward Yazbak conducted three very important studies on MMR (especially rubella) and pregnant women. These studies are summarized in the book, Vaccine Safety Manual. You can also do an internet search to find information about these studies. Read all three of these studies very closely. Be sure that you understand what is being asserted.
We receive many letters from women who experience severe debilities after receiving the rubella vaccine. I'm sorry, but we have no recommended treatment for MMR- or rubella-related headaches. You may wish to visit our section on reversing vaccine damage. Best wishes.
I'm a chiropractor in South Carolina. I have several patients who have gone to the health department and claimed a religious exemption for their kids to avoid vaccines. One of my patients the other day informed me that she tried to get an acquaintance of hers to at least study up on the subject to make an informed choice. My patient said that this lady looked at her as if "how dare she believe that vaccines are not the best thing to do." She said this lady called her in tears the other day saying that she wished she had taken the time to listen to my patient and do the research because her child started having seizures the same day that she got one of the common vaccines. I think it was the MMR.
Yes, sadly this is all too common. Thanks for sharing this story.
Yes I would like a bumper sticker. I do not believe vaccines are safe for children. I think they cause a lot of problems and health side effects. My daughter is 3 years old and I refuse to vaccinate her. If I change my mind I will vaccinate her using homeopathy. I've looked at the good and the bad on vaccines and this is what I choose to do. I wish more people would look at both sides before vaccinating their child. Doctors sure aren't going to tell you both sides. Some of them don't vaccinate their own children but they want us to. Think Twice.
This website irritates me. You're telling parents to not vaccinate their children. What kind of illogical idea is that? You want me to send my son to school with no kind of protection from the diseases that are out there? I don't want my child getting these diseases! The vaccinations help. I had them, my brothers had them, all my friends had them. And nothing is wrong with us. If you don't have your child vaccinated how are they going to go to school? If homeschool isn't an option, no school will admit a student without these papers. I think that it's a bad idea not to protect your child from a disease that can kill them. And I believe that vaccinations should be mandatory. That's how you stop the spread of disease. Prevent it from hopping hosts.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how ill-informed it may be. No one is telling you not to vaccinate your children; that is your choice. Your claim that you and your brothers and your friends had vaccines and that nothing is wrong with you may or may not be true. Even if it were true, it would have little bearing on the larger issues of vaccine safety and efficacy.
Vaccines are not legally required to enter school. You may wish to actually read some of the information posted on our website before you oppose it with claims that have no merit.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you on all possible levels. Thank you for getting people to actually see that the truth has been hidden for far too long. The more research I conduct the more I see how allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical companies are killing us, and the sad thing is we appear to be willing victims. I realize it takes a lot of time to maintain such a website and thank you for the sacrifice you make. I hope that one day the world will see that we have all we need for perfect health. All we need do is take care of ourselves properly through resting, consuming healthy (non genetically modified) food, water, and breathing in clean, fresh air. The world is made a much better place through your work. Thank you.
Thanks for your support of our efforts.
What a fantastic, easy-to-read, inspiring website! You give me hope -- I am realizing I am not alone. Why do so few question giving their precious, defenseless babies such terrifying shots?
I am writing with a question. I have heard that breastfeeding for certain lengths of time can "guarantee" certain levels of immunization naturally (i.e., 6 months stabilizes the child's immune system for up to 2 or 5 years of age or something.) Is this true? And, if so, what is the formula? How can I use breastfeeding to give my baby a lifelong, healthy immune system, rather than injecting her with infectious diseases? Thank you for your help.
Thanks for your support of our efforts. Studies show that colostrum and breastfeeding are beneficial to a baby's immune system. For more specific information, we recommend visiting the La Leche League.
Dear Folks:
What a wonderful website you have provided! I am the mother of two children, ages 6 and 2 1/2. Both have only received one dose of the polio vaccine (no other vaccines have been given) after a recent scare with a couple of cases of polio a couple of counties away from us last winter. Ironically, when they were scheduled to get their second dose, I picked our daughter up from school and went to get our son from daycare and as I walked up the sidewalk, our daycare provider informed me that our son had thrown up just minutes before. Needless to say, we cancelled the shots for that day and haven't re-scheduled.
Both kids seemed to come through their first dose just fine with no obvious reactions. However, our son's personality seemed to change a bit for a while afterward (i.e., he was more fussy, whiny, clingy, for about a month or two afterwards). I don't know if we should attribute that to the vaccine or just being "two." Have you heard of any reactions to the inactivated polio vaccine?
Also, I wanted to ask about the tetanus-diphtheria vaccine and a reaction I think I had, although the doctors of course deny it. I was 29 years old at the time and had the tetanus-diphtheria vaccine in July 2002. Four weeks to the day later, I developed a "virus" and two days after that I had my first asthma attack. I went from never having any respiratory problems to having asthma. Has asthma, even being 4 weeks after the immunization, ever been reported as an adverse event? One of my main concerns is that if I had that type of a reaction, I know my kids are at a greater risk for vaccine reactions too. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
The symptoms that you descibe -- fussy, whiny, clingy -- have been described by other parents following vaccines. The inactivated polio vaccine can cause many adverse reactions, as noted in the manufacturer's inserts, including Guillain-Barre' Syndrome. The tetanus vaccine has been linked to a lowered immune response for weeks following the shot, permitting opportunistic ailments to set in. (Remember, a doctor's denials regarding vaccine reactions have no bearing on the truth.)
I need help now. My granddaughter was vaccinated April 25 for MMR. Ten days later she stopped talking, stopped standing, and has developed a shakiness that affects her whole upper body. EEG, MRI, Rett syndrome testing, blood tests, have all come back negative. Doctors say they have never seen anything like this before. Today they want Mom to consent to a spinal tap. I am so afraid of the risks to the baby. She is 17 months, weighs 17 pounds, & her immune system has been shot down by the MMR. Isn't spinal meningitis a greater risk for her?
Serious reactions often occur "ten days" after a measles or MMR vaccine. This is common knowledge within the medical industry. Regressive development (stopping talking, standing, etc.) after MMR may be a sign of vaccine-caused autism. Read the autism and MMR stories on our website, and research the vaccine-autism connection for more information. A spinal tap could isolate the vaccine as the cause, but doctors performing the test are not likely to admit this. Good luck and best wishes.
I would like to know if there are more people like me who have lost children to diabetes from the MMR shot. Can you send me studies, data, or personal stories that you have concerning other babies, such as mine, who went into sudden onset diabetes after getting the MMR shot? I could pay for the paper charge or whatever charge there would be. I would also like to learn about Guillain-Barre' syndrome. I have a friend, now in a wheelchair, who took the flu shot, got Guillain-Barre', and now cannot walk.
Here are two links for information about the Flu Vaccine and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (scroll about halfway down) and A Study on GBS and Flu Vaccine
Ten days after MMR vaccine was injected into our daughter, Anna, she was dead. We were told to expect possibly a mild reaction after 10 days; she was only seventeen months old. She died in her sleep on Sunday 14th May 2006, with a possible convulsion/seizure having been subject to bouts of high temperature brought down by calpol. Two days ago I carried my daughter to her grave. Now I seek answers and I will try to find them and believe I will as God is on my side. We attended church regularly and the congregation, family and friends our behind us. We believe Anna died to save others and she holds the key. We will seek justice and bring all the lies to a stop and the perpetrators locked up for crimes against humanity...all those little children, and for what? A little extra profit you can be sure is behind this, and a desire to play God. There is only one God and we are God's children, not equals, and that is abundantly clear. The patent for triple vaccine runs out soon and hence the move to five vaccines in one with a new patent to keep the profits rolling in. We are dealing with nothing short of a holocaust, government sanctioned corporate profiteering, and killing at taxpayers' expense.
We are very sorry to hear of your tragedy. Sadly, it is all too common. Hopefully, Anna's death will help to reveal the truth and hold an important key to end this madness. Your outrage is righteous and justified. Our encouragement and prayers are with you.
Hi. Your article on immunization ploys is terrific! I hope that others find it and read it. My son is vaccine-injured. After his 15-month vaccines, he could no longer stand, quit talking, quit turning his head when his name was called and had terrible diarrhea that still isn't resolved 6 years later. He is autistic and his spinal fluid contains vaccine-strain measles virus. Thank you for your work. I volunteer for three national autism organizations, two of which deal with the mercury in vaccines issue. In my opinion, the mercury is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the harmful substances vaccines contain.
We're sorry to hear about your son. You're right about mercury -- it's just one aspect of the vaccine dilemma. Many children are damaged by vaccines that do not contain this toxic substance. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
After reading the stories on your sight, I felt compelled to share Sydney's story. Sydney Claire is a beautiful, vibrant, funny 11-month-old. Sydney was born on June 16 and weighed 8lbs 13oz and it was the best day of my life. Sydney received her immunizations at 2, 4, and 6 months. There was no problem at 2 or 4 months. She received her 6-month
immunizations on 12-16 and on 12-23 began to have seizures. She would blink her eyes, drop her head, and clench her fists. Her father and I didn't know they were seizures and thought that it may just be a weird baby thing (Sydney is our first). I took her to the doctor on 12-26 and they said she had an ear infection and it hurt when she swallowed. I took
her back to the doctor on 12-29 and they said still an ear infection and she was dozing off. So, I videotaped her episodes and we took her back to the doctor on 1-3 and were sent immediately to the children's hospital two hours away to see a pediatric neurologist. On 1-4, she was diagnosed with infantile spasms. The first question the neurologist asked was "When were her last immunizations?" Right then, the light bulb went off. Our perfectly normal, healthy child with no history of anything now has a diagnosis because of her immunizations. Sydney endured so much. She has been
seizure-free since 1-8 and so far is developmentally on track. We are lucky. I wish I had this information beforehand. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your story.
I had an appointment with Dr. Figner on the 23rd of March at 0900 for a two-month check-up for my daughter. At first I was hesitant to allow my child to see her in the first place because I have heard several bad things about her from my friends who had her for a medical provider. My hesitation should have stopped me, because now I am dealing with this very upsetting/traumatic doctor visit that will leave a long lasting, negative impression on me of military doctors.
Dr. Figner preformed a wellness check-up on my two-month-old baby girl.
Everything looked and sounded great. She said she was in the 90 percentile for her weight and the 15 percentile for her height.
She had was a rash on her cheek just like several other babies on this base. I wanted some Aquaphor cream for her, which Dr. Figner gave to me by prescription. She then said it was time to get her immunizations done. I told her that I was not going to get them done today. When she asked, "Why not?" I responded by saying that I wanted to do some research about
vaccinations first and that I was not going to be able to stay home that day. I tried to tell her that I wanted to be able to spend the day at home when my child got her shots. I wanted to be home so she could rest. But Dr. Figner kept cutting me off saying, "What's a
little fussiness and crying and a fever when you're out and about?"
She would not allow me to finish my sentences and when I continued to talk about how I want to read about it and I told her the website I read last night (March 22, 2006 and that I would like to compare what they said to others. I want to know more before getting the vaccinations for my child. She then became upset and told
me that I was "uneducated." All I did was tell Dr. Figner that I wanted to read up about vaccinations and that was why I did not want to get them done at that time. She had no right to call me uneducated when I was trying to do research about it. It was very unprofessional
and I felt humiliated by her calling me uneducated. I feel she has no right to humiliate me by questioning my intelligence.
She then ran off and retrieved several flyers. Though, instead of allowing me go home and read them before getting my child vaccinated, she persisted that I get her shots done right then and there. She then said that Japan was unsafe and is not a 1st world country and
that was why I needed to have my daughter vaccinated. Dr. Figner continued to argue that it is very unsafe with diseases.
We continued to argue and did not come to any agreement. I feel that as a mother it is my right to ensure that I am fully informed and aware of the benefits and risks involved in getting my child's shots done. Dr. Figner said that I was being stupid for not getting my
baby's shots done today. She told me that it was mandatory and that we would not be able to PCS without her shots.
She left in a huff and did not inform me on the status of my baby's rash cream. She seemed very angry and we argued so much that I thought she forgot about it. I went to the pharmacy desk and asked them if she gave them my prescription or not. Corpsman Mount assisted me in
getting my daughter's prescription. I told him and another corpsman some of what had happened and that I was irritated with Dr. Figner completely. They told me my daughter's prescription was ready so I went to the pharmacy line. While I was waiting, Dr. Figner approached to tell me about the medication and how to apply it. As I was receiving my stuff at the window she told me to come into her office because she wanted to talk to me.
She told me that she had just called FFSC and talked to Mr. Smith. She told me that the immunizations are mandatory and that my children will be taken away from me due to medical neglect. She also said that if I did not get the shots done that day she would call them to do this to me. I remained calm after being threatened by a doctor to have my children taken away from me. I remained calm after this woman insulted me throughout the whole visit and told me things which I believe to be untrue. I do not believe that a naval officer has any right to talk to me like this.
If getting immunizations is mandatory, than why do I have to sign a release form for them to be administered to my child? If I need to get them done for my child in order to PCS would this not be written in my husband's orders?
While corpsman Mount was taking my baby's vitals before Dr. Figner arrived, I told him that I was not going to get her shots done today. He said that it was okay and that I could come in another day. He then told me the days and hours available to do so. I asked him
several questions about shots and so forth and he was very polite and professional, unlike Dr. Figner.
It is one thing to say that family advocacy might look into why you are choosing to not get your child's shots that day. It is quite another to say that my children are going to be taken away from me because I am not getting my child's shots done that day. Do you see a
difference? I am very upset about this situation and something needs to be done.
I told Dr. Figner to give Family Advocacy my phone number and my address. And also to tell them to come over that day. I told her that I would wait for Family Advocacy to come over because I have nothing to hide. My children are healthy and well taken care of. My only
concern is of doctors like Dr. Figner who believe that I have no right to read about what I allow to be injected in my child's body prior to getting my child vaccinated.
We're sorry to hear of your plight. Vaccines are not legally required for infants. We do not recommend debating doctors, nor sitting through an arrogant rant, lecture or condescending speech. Please visit our link to other websites on military vaccines. They may be able to provide support. Good luck.
Three days after my premature son received his three-month shots, he died of SIDS.
We believe that parents need to be especially cautious with premature babies. Official vaccine contraindications ought to be revised to include all high-risk babies. We're sorry for your loss.
Thank you for speaking out on the flu shot. I had the shot in October. Within days I was seriously ill. Spent 24 days in the hospital, 11 days in rehab, learning to walk again. I have muscle and nerve damage in my legs and feet. The doctors say I should be able to walk, but I go to physical therapy 3 times a week and will go indefinitely. It will take at least a year for the nerves to heal, if they heal. All because of a flu shot. The neurologist agrees that my illness was caused by the flu shot.
We receive many stories similar to yours. Guillain-Barre' syndrome is a well-documented serious adverse reaction to the influenza vaccine. Sorry to hear of your vaccine damage. Best wishes on your recovery.
Dear Thinktwice:
This is the most difficult letter I have ever had to write, and yet, I feel that if I don't write it someone else's baby could be at risk. My emotions at the moment are of ANGER, CONFUSION and most of all DISGUST at the medical profession who take the oath to save, not destroy, a human being, let alone a baby.
My granddaughter was born in August 2005 a special blessing, both to my son and daughter-in-law, and myself. I was so overwhelmed the night she was born, I cut her cord and held her and thanked the good Lord above for this wonderful gift he has blessed us all with. She was a happy little girl and healthy, everything a grandmother could wish for. I will never ever forgot the telephone called I received on Tuesday the 6th December from my son, so hurt, so confused and scared telling me "Mom, I have some dreadful news." I still choke now when I think about it. My daughter-in-law had dutifully taken her to the doctors for her four-month-old shots just as they recommend, and to whom we are to believe in (or so we are told). The next day she was gone from our lives. Parents, I beg you from the bottom of my heart, do as this website says: THINK TWICE. Maybe, just maybe we all could save another baby's life. For me and my family, it's too late, but you still have a choice to do something.
I want to thank you for a wonderful site you have.
Thanks for writing. Best wishes healing your grief. We'll post your story to share with others.
My Daughter, Chloe, passed away on the 6th of December. Mom and baby had gone to sleep after a day consisting of Chloe's 4-month doctor's visit and vaccines IPV2, Hib 2, and DTaP 2, all recommended by the doctor. Then, to the store to get groceries and dinner for that night. When I came home at lunch time I gave my little girl a kiss, she smiled and warmed my heart. I felt so sorry for her because she had two bandaids on each leg from where she had the shots. I can remember I never liked getting injections when I was little, they always hurt.
When I came home that night she had been good all day for Mom just interacting with her sister, and trying to crawl. After the evening routine and my 4-year-old stepdaughter had gone to bed, Mom and I laid a blanket on the floor and sat with Chloe. She was a little irritated but she was also teething so we gave her a bottle and she was happy. She was even trying to hold the bottle by herself. It made me so proud to see how smart she was. After that, my wife and Chloe went and laid down for the night and I took my place on the couch. Halfway through the night I got up, like I always did, to check on them. They both seemed to be fine. In the morning I got up and proceeded to get my stepdaughter up for school and get ready for work, when I heard the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard coming from the bedroom. I ran in and saw my baby pail and lifeless laying on the bed. I dialed 911, gave the phone to my wife, and tried to give CPR to Chloe, but there was no response. Then the police arrived, and the ambulance. She was taken to the hospital were she was pronounced dead 15 minutes later.
I asked the doctor if the shots could have done this. He replied, "No, the shots are safe." Still, to this day we don't have any answers. I found Thinktwice after researching SIDS to find out more about what happened to my heart, my beautiful little girl. I was disgusted that there was so much information I was not told about, or even given a choice to stagger the shots. It was just routine, the doctor said. I guess he doesn't really care about people, just the check. I now tell every parent I see with an infant to look at your website because people need to be told all the facts and given a choice when it comes to their children. I no longer have any faith in the medical industry and no longer believe that doctors want to help people. They just do it for the MONEY.
To Chloe, you were my everything.
I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to see you again one day.
Daddy misses you beautiful, I miss you so much.
We're so sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for writing. We'll post your story to share with others.
Our son was born a healthy 9 lb, 21 inch baby. Two months later he got his first set of vaccinations. Within hours, he was irritable, he had lost the ability to hold his head upright, he lost his appetite, and, all in all was just not himself. This continued for several days. We spoke to doctors, went to the emergency room, and kept hearing that nothing was wrong. Within about a week's time, we found our son had a case of apnea, where he would stop breathing during sleep. We had him in the hospital overnight on an apnea monitor, and again, we were told nothing was wrong. Finally, our doctor said it may be a reaction to the DPT vaccine, and that we could postpone any further shots. Fortunately, our son recovered. We don't see any signs of permanent damage. He has had no vaccinations since.
Recently, our daughter was welcomed to the family, and we are now faced with the choice of getting her vaccinated. We discussed this with the doctor, who agreed to let us take our time in deciding. We did give our daughter a test dose of the whooping cough vaccine to see if she would react. Unfortunately, she did have an adverse reaction. She, too, was very irritable and had a decreased appetite. We have since decided that both of our little angels are done with their vaccines. We value our children too much to allow anything to harm them. Thank you for letting us share our story.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Please see the following information on symptoms I have been having after having a tetanus vaccination. I am 47 years old and went to my primary care physician for a physical. He gave me a tetanus shot since I hadn't had one in quite some time. I started to develop a rash on my arms that over time became very blotchy but would lessen and then flare up occasionally. I received steroid cream from more than one doctor but it still hasn't gone away. The rash has spread to my hips, buttocks, feet, and legs. I also started getting inflammation in my fingers, but not every day. It would subside in a day or two and then would crop up again without warning. I notice abnormal pain on the tips of my fingers when I play the guitar. On occasion, there has also been abnormal stiffness in my middle back (right below each scapula) and also in both sides of my neck. This would last for a few days and be very uncomfortable (restricting motion in my neck). I am not aware that any incorrect movement causes these. Areas around my eyes have also had soreness and rash, and my eyes have been red. Yesterday, six months after receiving the shot, the muscle soreness flared up and the rash has been very itchy. Is it possible that these symptoms could be adverse physical reactions to a tetanus shot? The doctors I've seen have not been able to narrow it down to anything specific.
The tetanus vaccine has been scientifically linked to a drastic reduction in immune function. Therefore, opportunistic infections are possible for weeks after receiving the shot. For more information, see the studies posted on our site, or visit our link to the tetanus vaccine.
It was so nice to find your site. I have been an emotional wreck for the past 6 weeks. About 28 hours after receiving her immunizations, my 4-year-old niece went into seizures, with 105 degree fever. She slept for 2 days. My sister was told it was sedation. I now think she may have been in a coma. After waking up she had infantile behavior, and strongly resembled a mentally challenged child, with automatic movements and actions. She spent 8 more days in the hospital. They were about to send her home with no diagnosis or prognosis. My sister insisted to be sent to another hospital. Upon arrival there, and after another MRI, she was informed that my niece had ADEM and that IIG would be administered for 12 hours. Of course this did not work, and the next step was to administer intravenous steroids. This went on for 2 weeks. She was then sent to a children's hospital for physical, speech,
music, and psychology therapy. There have been slight changes. At first she was running into walls when walking, biting, staring blankly, and no verbalization. She is still on oral steroids, and now mimicking some words, holding things, not as much biting, but now licking things. My sister has been informed that her 4-year-old is a 1-yr-old level as far as verbalization, but a 1-month-old as far as focusing, and recognizing. I live 1000 miles from my sister and niece. I was able to fly over while she was in the second hospital. I questioned as much as possible when there to try and make sense of it. One of my main questions was if the immunizations were involved. I was told by an infectious disease specialist that it was probably a combination of an infection and the immunizations, but not the immunizations alone. I was also told that my niece's case was complicated because of the pattern of lesions on her brain. Now that she is in the 3rd hospital, she is being told that it was just a coincidence that she had the shots the previous day. I do not believe that it was a coincidence. She has been told that there is swelling on her brain, white matter on her brain, and as of yesterday there is fluid on her brain and some shrinkage. That she would just have to wait until the steroid treatment was finished to see if that corrected itself, also that there may or may not be cell damage. While at the 2nd hospital shortly after I questioned the immunizations, another doctor came in with information about the child vaccination act and told my sister she should look into this. Well, duh. Also, the social worker has been in with all sorts of literature regarding
SS disability, etc. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I do not doubt for one minute it was her shots. After much research, I can't think it is anything else. Not sure if you can give input, but I would surely appreciate it. Thank You.
We're sorry to hear about your niece's serious reaction to vaccines. Sadly, your story is typical. Please read some of the other stories and studies posted throughout our website so that you will have a better understanding of this pervasive problem. Share this information with your sister. Best wishes to everyone involved.
Dear Thinktwice,
I was fortunate enough to come across your site from info that was sent to me by a member in an autism chat room. I am a mother of a 4 1/2 yr old boy who is now in the process of being tested for autism or a form of autism spectrum disorder. My son was a happy and carefree lil' boy and then he went in for his 4 year well check in May 2005 to receive his booster shots. Within weeks of receiving the shots, my son changed -- his smile, his speech regressed, he seemed withdrawn and not like the little boy I knew.
I was scared and confused, so I called his doctor and my husband and I brought our son in. We told her how our son changed suddenly and drastically after his shots. Of course, I was told that there is no link between his behavior and the vaccinations. That this is the age that children are usually diagnosed, it is just a coincidence that the vaccines that are given at his well check, age four, is usually the time when a child is diagnosed.
Our next step, we are told to take our son to the children's hospital for genetic work up and other lab work, and an MRI with and without contrast. After a month we meet back with the genetic specialist and other doctors to be told that all the results came back normal. I was happy, but we are now in the process of even more testing -- psychological, vision,
rehab. It is all overwhelming and scary. I feel bad as a mom. I know he needs the vaccinations to be protected. But there is so much info out in the world now that it seems to show sort of link between these shots and the change in our children.
It is very upsetting and a hard place to be in as a mother. You have to vaccinate your child, but at what cost? Thanks for letting me share my thoughts.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you for all of your information and a great website. At 8 weeks of age, the day after receiving his DTaP shots, my son displayed unequal pupil size when in dim light. I called the pediatrician right away and was told over the phone that he was fine and it was not possible that the vaccine could have caused this. After referring myself to a pedi-opthalmologist, it was determined that he has acquired Horner's syndrome from damage to a nerve. All scans for neuroblastomas proved negative - thank goodness! But other than the fact that I am convinced the shots caused this, are there further medical tests that I can do to determine? He is now due for his four month shots which we are not doing until I have answers. Please let me know your thoughts ASAP. Thank you.
You only seem to be questioning DTaP (3 vaccine-drugs), but multiple vaccines are often administered to infants at the same doctor visit. Doctors do not acknowledge damage caused by vaccines. However, many studies have documented optical and neurological damage from vaccines. Our site lists some of these vaccine studies.
I would like to thank you for your website! I have a 6 year-old daughter and a 2 month-old son. All this info came too late not to immunize my daughter and I am so grateful nothing happened to her due to her shots - but it came just in time for my son! I had this bad feeling about shots. Also, his father is suffering from an autoimmune disease so I didn't want to just go ahead blindly with the doctor's recommendation. I have found your site just in time to be 100% sure: instincts are always right! Thank you again and keep up the great work - you change lives for the better!!!
Thanks for your support.
I have a 15-month-old daughter who got her MMR last Friday. On Sunday she woke up with a high fever. We can't keep the fever down. It has been four days now, and our doctor says it is normal. I do not know what to do. Would you have ANY suggestions at all?
Fever is the body's way of fighting an infection or disease. You must keep a close watch for other signs that could indicate a serious vaccine reaction.
My name is... My three-month-old son was recently taken away by the state and I need help. My husband and I took him to the hospital because he was throwing up constantly; we thought he had the flu. They admitted him that day and kept him overnight. We had to leave for about two hours for work and when we came back there were cops and social service people everywhere. The doctor told us that while we were gone, our son had a seizure that lasted for 20 minutes. They did an MRI and found a few problems. It was said that he had a fractured skull, two subdural hematomas and bleeding in his left retina. He was quickly taken to the children's hospital in Denver where they did their own MRI and CT Scan: there was no fracture but the brain damage and blood in the retina were there.
We have told multiple doctors multiple times that there is a history of epilepsy in the family but they tell us the seizures are due to the brain damage. We also did our own research and found a few articles stating that Hep B and DPT can cause the same injuries. I would like to know what you think of this.
Background on our son: born 6 lbs 9 oz; tried to nurse but after two weeks we found out that I wasn't producing enough for him so he was starving; at 2 days old he got his first Hep B shot; he was a constant crier and always wanted to be held; started him on formula at 2 wks old; has had issues keeping it down since; had an ear infection at 6 wks; doctor gave him Amoxicillan which he had an immediate reaction to; and at 12 wks had multiple vaccinations (Hep B, MMR, DTP, and something else I can't remember). It was at 14 wks old that we took him to the hospital.
I also think it should be mentioned that he apparently was having seizures since he was born but my husband and I thought he was cold so we just bundled him. Anyway, we are now under investigation for child abuse because the doctors are insisting that Shaken Baby Syndrome is the only cause of those injuries. We would never hurt our child! He is the most precious thing in the world to us. Please help if you can. Thank you.
Your situation is common: doctors overdose babies and damage them with multiple vaccines, then frame the parents. The label, "Shaken Baby Syndrome," is a term that doctors are now using with increasing frequency to hide the damage that they have done and falsely implicate parents.
Contact Viera Scheibner in Australia because she is a vaccine expert on this problem: Tel: 01161-24-787-8203 / Fax: 011-61-24-787-8988. Contact Toni Blake in San Diego because she is a lawyer specializing in these cases: 619-234-8664. Contact Ingri Cassel in Idaho because she helped to release Alan Yurko from jail when he was charged with the same thing that you are being charged with. Ingri is the head of VacLib, a vaccine support organization: 208-765-8421. Good luck.
To those frontline fighters against the deception in the mass vaccination takeover in our world: I will briefly give you my story!
I am the mother of 12 children. I gave birth to my first child in the hospital but after that I started to birth at home with an attending midwife. These midwives were skeptical about vaccines and would often caution me against them. I also had a mother-in-law that had a nightmare summer of fighting the battle of whooping cough with her 6 or more children and warned me to be sure to get my children vaccinated. The battle waged within me. For or against vaccines, but I was a 'good mommy' and continued to make sure the children were caught up on their vaccinations.
One day a friend of the family had a normal child react to the MMR vaccine and to this day is autistic. I started to question the health workers at my local county health department. I temporarily refused the Hep B shot to give me time to research the risks involved. I started getting threatening phone calls at home by the director of the health department stating that I was breaking the law (which, after being arrested, I realize today is not true...there is no law...YET!). This happened in February. In August, I brought my children into the health department to get their vaccines but on the way there one of my daughters broke out in chicken pox. They did not want me contaminating the health department so they sent me home. (This is all documented).
I had my 11th child on September 13, and 10 days later I was arrested by the local county health department: failure to immunize my children. I fought the court system for 9 months. The state-appointed attorney said, "This is bullshit. There is no law to even break!" he said. Then he ran, left me stranded to deal with it on my own. The court would give me a continuance for many different reasons. I believe they weren't sure what to do with it. I didn't actually break a law! What this did do is got me researching. For 9 months in between nursing my baby and taking care of the needs of the other 10, I did extensive research. Today, I will go to jail before I will ever let a vaccine near my children. This is a pharmaceutical money-making big time business. The foundations have been laid. The people are full of fear of not vaccinating their children. The government can now put whatever they want in those vaccines, charge whatever they want to, pass a law and mass vaccination will take place. If someone dares to ask questions. Wham! Handcuffs and jail. Fortunately, with a 10 day old baby, they only mugshot me and tortured me with fear for 9 months until I paid $500 to a local attorney to just put this behind me. I was exhausted. The court was relieved because they knew they were in the wrong but they're all on the same payroll.
I still feel that the world needs to be warned before we all wake up in jail someday for daring to ask the government workers about the risks involved or worse yet to inform the world about these risks. I called newspapers, radio and TV stations, attorneys and no one wanted to take a stand. Too much politics involved. One Christian organization rebuked me for not getting vaccinations. Didn't even hear my story. I WAS getting vaccinations and I got arrested for not even breaking a law! This is a red flag warning for our freedom for parental choice in the vaccination decision to be taken away in the future if we don't stop it now! I spoke with the big organizations here in the states and they had never heard of anyone actually being arrested. Threatened yeah, but arrested?! I think this county would like to bury it and hope we keep it quiet. I fear for my future descendents if I don't speak up.
Thank you all for fighting the battle. I had one more child since and she is now 2 years old. My strength is coming back and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to warn the world that this battle is bigger than the mass population realizes. I think it's scary that a mother of 11 children can get arrested for even daring to ask questions. Let me know if I can help this cause!
Thanks for sharing your story.
About the pertussis vaccine. Are you aware, that in the late 1970s certain groups not different from your own voiced "concern" over the possible adverse health effects of this vaccine? And subsequently, there was a pertussis vaccine cessation in multiple developed countries similar to the US. Later on, epidemiologists discovered that there was a pertussis epidemic in these countries resulting in 10-100 times more infections in the countries that did not adopt this pertussis vaccine cessation. Fortunately, the cessation was lifted and the vaccination program was put back in place.
Actually, this is an old argument that the medical industry uses from time to time to swindle the public. You don't know the whole story. In England during the 1970s, several children were killed by the DPT vaccine in a short period. The newspapers did their jobs and alerted the public. Vaccination rates dropped from about 75% to about 30%. Pertussis rates increased. However, the death rate actually dropped. The disease had become less virulent. The medical industry conveniently disregards this important fact when touting their vaccine.
Now, I have not stated my opinion, nor have I cited any random studies with misrepresented results (as your website has). I have simply stated an actual event. How is it possible to argue the pertussis vaccine isn't safe (or not required) when there is hard evidence that countless numbers of people developed the infection after they had not gotten the vaccine? (I don't expect a clear rebuttal, I expect you to voice an opinion that has no scientific validity.)
There is no logic to your comment. No one here at Thinktwice denies that some vaccines show an ability to reduce the incidence of a disease. However, there is no correlation between the safety of a vaccine and its efficacy. They define two different parameters. The DPT vaccine was never safe; it is responsible for damaging and killing thousands of children. This is well documented in the studies, literature, and real life experiences of parents. Again, the ability of a vaccine to reduce the incidence of a disease is not the same as saying the vaccine is safe, or that the vaccine is not also responsible for contributing to new ailments.
My 2-month-old niece received 7 immunizations in one office visit. They were hepatitis B, Hib, combination shot of 3 (DTaP), IPV & MMR. Five days later she heard the baby coughing then the baby quit breathing. They live across the street from a medical center so she scooped the baby up and ran across the street not stopping to so much as put her shoes on. Two Dr.'s dropped what they were doing and worked on the baby. They were unable to revive her. After she received the shots she had been sick the first day, then after that she slept more than usual. Her funeral was November 11th. The autopsy report won't come for a few weeks. They requested a copy but have already ruled it SIDS. I'm not so sure.
The child received nine -- not seven -- powerful drugs at one time. (DTaP and MMR each contain three separate vaccines.) This is a criminal act; the baby was murdered. Your story is typical. Our website posts many stories of babies that are damaged or killed after receiving multiple vaccines at one time: Multiple Vaccines Administered Simultaneously The autopsy will not mention vaccines; it never does. Coroners are medical doctors and accessories to the crime and coverup. The parents may wish to file a report with VAERS: 1-800-822-7967 and contact one of the lawyers listed on our site to pursue accountability and compensation. Best wishes on everyone's healing.
I love your website. Just curious about something. I recently saw on another website that there is some sort of "gag rule" or something (I don't know for sure what it's called) where the victim of a vaccine reaction can receive double compensation if they agree to not discuss the case with anyone. Have you heard of that? I'm really interested, because my family doctor has children with autism, and I would be suspicious that, as an MD, he was paid extra to continue to push/support vaccines. Thank you.
Often, when a vaccine manufacturer is sued for damaging or killing a baby,
the settlement agreement stipulates that the parents cannot discuss any
aspect of the settlement including the fact that their child was damaged or
killed by a vaccine and that the drug company paid them off to keep quiet.
This serves to keep other parents in the dark about vaccine reactions and
permits generations of new children to continue being damaged and killed
with impunity.
Your doctor is probably in denial and will not even consider that vaccines
were the most likely cause of his children's autism. We doubt that he sued
the vaccine manufacturers.
Do you have a number I could reach to report a reverse reaction to hepatitis B causing my son to get Diabetes type 1 and also he received the MMR vaccination a few weeks ago and now I noticed 4 days a ago he has got a mild case of the measles. I would like to report these. He got the vaccinations in California but we now live in Georgia. If you could please send me the information I would gladly appreciate it.
Contact the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): 1-800-822-7967. They will send you some paperwork to fill out.
I just wanted to send a support email. This website is fabulous. Reading the "hate" emails you posted prompted me to send this one. I have been under chiropractic care for 5 years. It's where I learned of the dangers of vaccines. I was completely in the dark. Pre-chiropractic, when I heard of someone NOT allowing their children to receive their "shots" I assumed they were "crazy" or not being a "good parent." This inspired me to research side effects of shots. I came to the conclusion of how "crazy" it was for parents to vaccinate their children. At the time, I was in University. I was told that I wouldn't be allowed to register for classes if I didn't have the MMR. I was very distressed because I knew of the side effects, but I also wanted to continue my education. So, feeling I had no other option, I got the shot. The nurse administered the vaccine. I told her I felt ill, but she assured me I'd be just fine. Upon standing, I vomited on the floor. She said it was my "nerves" and I would get over it. I paid for the shot, feeling very dizzy and faint. I told the front desk lady that I was feeling faint, and having tunnel vision. She seemed unconcerned. Thinking fresh air would help me, I somehow stumbled to the door, and made it to my car. I am still unsure how I made it that far safely. I had to lie in my car in the parking lot for half an hour before I could drive home. Once home, I felt feverish, and went directly to bed. I stayed there for 3 days battling what felt like the flu, complete w/lack of energy, muscle aches, and a fever. I called the dr.'s office, and was told it was "normal" for patients to experience those symptoms post vaccination. I didn't return for my second dose.
It confirmed that I won't put any children I may have through that. I can only imagine what a baby would feel, being unable to vocalize her discomfort aside from crying. It breaks my heart.
Hello. My son is 14 months old and 7 days ago he had is MMR vaccinations. As soon as the nurse gave them him his glands started swelling about 1 hour after. He has had a high temperature and also not sleeping that well at night and also not wanting his food, but today we woke up I fetched him down stairs and on his left arm is very, very red. It looks like he has been scalded by a red-hot kettle. We made an appointment at the doctors and they said that it's a reaction to the MMR and also she said that it looks like his arm has been stung, but I said to her 'No way my son has been stung at all.' So we came home, now the red inflamed arm seems to be going further up to where his shoulder is. I am so scared about this as my other 2 children didn't suffer like my son is. Now we have phoned the doctors back up for another appointment so we are seeing the nurse once again. What do you think this could be? Any advice would be great. Thanks again.
Swollen glands is a reaction to the mumps component of the shot. A swelling arm is an apparent reaction to one or more of the vaccine ingredients. It is possible that other damage is occurring. Continue to monitor mental and motor skills. Document all dates, times, reactions, etc.
For more information, the book Vaccine Safety Manual has an excellent section on Important MMR Data Best wishes.
Dear Think Twice,
I am a mother of an unvaccinated 3 year old. I am so pleased to have happened upon your site. It makes me proud that lives are being saved by your work. Keep it up! I'll send a donation when I am able.
Thanks for your voice of appreciation.
Dear Think twice,
I know you get a lot of stories, and after reading them I feel like I should share mine. I am lucky to have 2 beautiful children aged 2 1/2 and 16 months. My oldest (my son) was born at 25 wks weighing 1 lb. My husband and I were happy to let the doctors do whatever they thought. I mean, we thought they kept him alive, so of course they know what is best. My son had his first shot at 4 months old then went on a catch-up schedule to get him up to date. About 6-7 days after his shots his breathing became labored, he had a high fever and he came out in bruises. He was already in the NICU due to his prematurity, so all the tests were done to find out what was the matter. The day before he had his shots we were told he could come home the following week. Imagine our surprise when 3 months later he was still in hospital. They could not find anything wrong with him and let us bring him home. They told us that the problems were from his prematurity, which we believed. After his 2nd, 3rd and 4th immunizations, I knew something was wrong. I knew it was from the immunizations; he went from a fun loving beautiful smart (but little) little boy, to an autistic child with a lot of problems.
When he was 18 months old I gave birth to a daughter born by repeat c-section full term. As with most sectioned babies her breathing was a bit fast from the fluid not being expelled. She was taken to the nursery where they gave her a Hep B and vitamin K shots. I had specifically asked for this not to happen. When she was 11 wks old she had a bad cold and needed to go to hospital. When she got home from hospital 3 days later, I checked her baby book only to find that they had vaccinated her whilst in hospital. As you can imagine, I was LIVID!!!! Not to mention they did it in the middle of the night!! I guess we were lucky that she only had a "normal" reaction. (This is what the doctors said.) In other words she had seizures, fever etc.
I am so upset at our medical system. Now at 16 months old she will not be accepted into any daycares as I refused to have her vaccinated. My son suffers daily, he can't handle loud noises which is hard when we go out or even when his sister cries. I NEVER realized that this could happen. (I am so sorry this letter is so long.) With My preemie they will not accept that the immunization caused the autism, I know this could maybe have come from him being preemie, but if you saw him 1 year ago and then saw him now you would not believe he was the same child.
Thank you for your website and I will surely be buying your book. Regards in Australia.
Thanks for sharing your story. We will post it to share with others. Best wishes on your healing and future parenting.
Hello there, I am a 28-year-old teacher from Boise, Idaho. Five years ago, while studying in Puerto Rico, I was given an MMR shot and within days was suffering from ulcerative colitis. I now spend my days rushing to the bathroom (10-20 times daily) and suffering severely from the disease. What can I do? Doctors say that UC is incurable and they suggest removing my colon. I want my life back. Give me a little direction. I want to find a cure, reverse the effects, warn others, and make a change. Any advice and direction is greatly appreciated.
In a recent study published by Lancet, it was shown that people who receive the measles (or MMR) vaccine are two-and-a-half times more likely to develop ulcerative colitis than people who do not receive this vaccine. You may wish to locate and contact Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Try a google search. He is an expert on this. Good luck.
My nephew is now going to be 3 months old. When he was first born he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his throat and it was removed quickly. He was being monitored for having irregular breathing. He was then taken off watch because he was fine but told he had slight jaundice. The next day he was given the hepatitis B shot. When he came home he was a normal baby boy crying and eating all the time. At five weeks he was given his second shot of hepatitis B shot. Not even a week later he began becoming irritable crying and not wanting to sleep. The next day he started to have spasms with his arms and then moved to his face. The mom called the pediatrician and was told to take him to the emergency room. We were told he was having seizures but had no clue what caused the seizures. In the course of 32 hours the neurologists finally came to see him and said he had a skull fracture and a hairline fracture on his femur bone (where the shots were given). The doctor's diagnosis was Shaken Baby Syndrome. Mind you, the baby has no bruising anywhere else and the x-rays were never revealed to us. The baby was then taken away by child services and my brother and sister-in-law had to hire a lawyer in their defense. While the lawyer has gone to court dates, no mention of the skull fractures have been brought up. Now, a month later the baby went on Friday and got his DTP shot. Now it's Sunday and he was rushed to the hospital to have surgery because he has excess fluid in the brain. The more we research this the more it looks like a case of misdiagnosis that was caused by these vaccines. Can you provide your medical expertise and either give suggestions or recommendation on what we should do in order to resolve this matter and help others in our predicament? My sister-in-law talked with another young girl in our area who is also being accused of this Shaken Baby Syndrome and her baby was given the same exact vaccines. Please help in whatever information can be given to us. We are in desperate need to bring our baby home where he belongs especially in these trying times of his life. In desperate need; lost for now.
Please contact: 1) Viera Scheibner in Australia; she is an expert on this: 011-61-24-787-8203. 2) Toni Blake: She is a lawyer and has worked on many of these cases: 619-234-8664.
3) Ingri Cassel: She runs a vaccine organization and has much experience with this: 208-765-8421. Good luck.
I have a child that was POISONED by vaccines. He is now AUTISTIC! I would love your bumper sticker. I have been looking for the one that says, "Stop poisoning our kids! Ban mercury in vaccines!" but I can't seem to find one. Thanks.
We're sorry to hear about your son. A bumper sticker is on the way.
Have any of the extremely selfish individuals who contact your website for advice considered homeschooling their non-vaccinated children? Or maybe they should start a movement for private schools for the non-vaccinated children. Personally, I think it is appalling that you'd advise people to disregard the safety of the majority for the "personal issues" of a misinformed minority of the population. There is overwhelming proof of the validity of the vaccine requirements in the US and to argue against mass vaccination is beyond ludicrous! Frankly I think there should not be any exemptions whatsoever. If I find out about any non-vaccinated children attending my child's school, you'd better believe I will take any and all measures to make certain that the child is removed or complies with the regulations. For all the idiots who don't want to comply, maybe you should move to a third world country that is riddled with diseases that are only extinct in the US because of the widespread vaccination procedures adopted here numerous years ago! Or maybe you could talk to someone who was alive prior to the Salk vaccine for example and they can tell you all about the many friends they had who died or were crippled by polio! Has anyone ever even heard of someone having a serious reaction to vaccine recently? I have only heard rumors on websites like this one, never actually met anyone or had a friend who had met anyone, or even seen anyone on TV or in the paper who actually had a severe reaction that was in fact more detrimental than say DYING of a highly contagious viral disease! Just a thought for those who are actually buying into all this "anti-vaccination" propaganda.
If you feel threatened by an unvaccinated child, you're obviously admitting that vaccines are ineffective. Otherwise, how could a vaccinated child who should be protected from disease be at risk from an unvaccinated child?
I have researched until I am blue. My life started changing on Christmas of last year. I had a baby girl 10.13.04 and she received her shots on December 15. Family members noticed her head was starting to get larger. On December 25, I took her to the hospital for being lethargic, unresponsive, running a fever and not wanting to eat. She had a projectile vomit at the hospital. After they did a urine test which came back negative they said that she was probably coming down with a cold and to bring her back if she didn't improve. It took her 3 more days before she started to try to smile again. She wasn't as talkie as usual. On January 9, I took her to the emergency room because she was hard to wake, did not eat and one eye had dilated larger than the other. They said it was Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) and the last person with her had to do it. She made it but can't sit up or stand, doesn't talk or respond unless held really close. She has been taken from me and her 7-year-old sister. I am mad because they keep giving her shots. She received another set in June which left a lump in her right leg, and the next ones she got in August left her whole leg swollen from her thigh to her toes. They told me it was fluid draining, from what? Like I am stupid. It's been draining since the beginning of August, please. She has to go in December to see a bone doctor. What do you think I can do, if anything?
Your story is relatively common. Vaccines cause damage to the baby and the parents are blamed. Some parents have gone to jail for Shaken Baby Syndrome when vaccines were the culprit. Here are some important people to contact: Viera Scheibner, an expert on vaccine damage and SBS. She lives in Australia but will be happy to speak with you. She knows how vaccine damage can mimic SBS. Contact her! Tel: 011-61-24-787-8203 Fax: 011-61-24-787-8988.
Toni Blake, a lawyer representing dozens of these cases. She has records on the patterns of medical abuse: 619-234-8664. Ingri Cassel, Vaccine Liberation -- She helped Alan Yurko get out of jail for an SBS charge that was vaccine damage. Call her: 208-765-8421. Good luck. You may reference our organization when contacting these people.
Is it possible to "rule out" a vaccine, Prevnar, as an association with an "atypical" seizure? My 29-month-old HEALTHY son received a third dose of Prevnar (first two doses were administered as recommended at 6 / 9 months) during his "well check" visit on January 13. I questioned this at the time, as I had not expected a vaccine this day. In fact, from literature I have since read, it indicated that the 4 "recommended" doses should be given on a regular schedule up until 15 months of age. I still have not received an answer as to why my son was a candidate for this third dose at almost 2 1/ 2 years of age.
Less than 72 hours later on Sunday January 16, approx. 6am, I awoke to find my son (who sleeps in my bed) limp and barely breathing. He was completely unresponsive, eyes were wide open and his lips began to turn blue, followed by bubbly drool coming from his mouth -- no movement/twitches were observed. We arrived to the ER by ambulance approximately 45 minutes later. Only then did he begin to "come to." This frightening experience repeated itself 10 days later around 4:30 am -- similar state of unresponsiveness, eyes open, drooling, etc. for about 45 minutes. It was the second episode that the doctors speculated my son to be having seizures. This came as a complete shock to my husband and myself as he does not possess any precluding characteristics: no family history, no trauma or injuries; he was a healthy full term baby with no prior illnesses. Further, I have a 5 1/2 year old daughter who likewise is very healthy with no neurological problems. (She, on the contrary, received NO Prevnar, as it was not available evidently when she was an infant, thank goodness!). That same day, my son received an EEG. The results came back "normal." However, my pediatrician followed up with us and suggested we see a neurologist because of the severity, length of time of my son's "seizures." The neurologist immediately responded concurring this as an "emergency." Two days later we arrived at Denver children's hospital where my son was monitored on a more advanced EEG for 18 hours. All my concerns/suspicions with the Prevnar have been dismissed by the doctors.
The results of the Denver EEG were "abnormal" showing spikes characteristic with "generalized seizures," but the doctors still seemed perplexed, especially at the length and referred to my son as "not a typical case." We were prescribed Depakote and sent home. Upon follow up, it is suggested that my son be "clinically" followed up -- and to remain on this Depakote for at least 2 years before another EEG. I have an uneasiness about the whole thing. While in Denver, over a half dozen different doctors asked for a description of these "episodes" again. I was also asked questions like "has anyone ever just dropped dead in your family for no reason?" and if there was any known SIDS in my family. The answer to both was a definitive NO. This concerned me as no one could relate to my son's episodes. I was hoping to find a similar occurrence, another child perhaps that displayed this.
I have serious concerns and still have trouble sleeping at night. My son still lays in my bed and I watch over him. He has taken well to the medication, although I am worried about the side effects of this medication. He has had no further "episodes" since that second one which occurred on January 26. Is there any advice I can get -- has anyone else had a similar episode that might have been triggered by Prevnar? It's just too coincidental. In the meantime, my son's behavior is very normal of a two year old; he is exceptionally bright, articulate and a happy sweet little boy. I would appreciate any helpful information so I can put my mind at ease. Thank you in advance for any response.
We're sorry to hear your story. We believe your son had a serious reaction to the vaccine. Your story is typical, including doctors who deny any correlations to vaccines. Best wishes seeking proper health remedies.
I am an assistant principal for a special education school in California. 100 of the students that we serve have autism, and, of course, 100% of them are vaccinated. So, it is with no small interest that I spend a rainy day browsing Thinktwice. I've read most of the books that you have listed. My son, Caedmon, was very ill after the shots he received at 4 months. In fact, he suffered a slew of ear infections, thrush (brought on by the prolonged use of antibiotics), fussiness, sleeplessness, and constant, severe congestion. It got so bad that by 7 months he had nearly stopped breastfeeding because he couldn't breathe. Fortunately, my wife continued to
pump breast milk and we suspended vaccinations because, all things being equal, he was fine before the shot(s) and not after. Then we started reading. Wow. I was speechless.
At about 7 months Caed was a mess (all the stuff listed above with no improvement). We had lost faith in his doctor (or head nurse or whatever they are called when the doctor is too busy for his 58-second visit). During our last visit for one last try at antibiotics (now, of course, for thrush) the nurse blamed his playgroup for his chronic illnesses. That was enough. We desperately sought alternatives and, because we had run out of ideas, went to a homeopathic doctor recommended by a concerned friend. The visit lasted over an hour and involved lots of family history questions, nutrition questions, etc. and a prescription for three medicines. One for mercury poisoning, one for congestion, and one to boost his immune system. She also recommended a visit to a chiropractor (not a specific chiropractor, but just
a chiropractor as a good idea). We followed all of her advice and in three days Caed was cleared up, sleeping, and eating. He was then about 11 months old.
Now Caed is two. He only had those first few shots and things are going great! I have bought so many copies of the vaccine books on your website to give to parents that I think I might have been able to open a bookstore (from now on, when I need new copies I'll order from you). One young parent, the receptionist at our chiropractor (now a regular part of our week -- for all of us) was going to take her young daughter to get her vaccinations. Our chiropractor asked if I wouldn't mind speaking to her before she went. At first I was embarrassed to bring up the subject since she hadn't asked me herself, but soon was animatedly presenting all I could remember from my own experience and reading. I of course gave her a book
to read. On my next visit I asked her what she thought. She said she was scared, and when she asked the doctor some specific questions he was very evasive. Finally I came right out and asked her, "Did she get her shots?" "Yes," she said. I couldn't believe it. "My baby's dad made me. He said the doctor knows what's best and the book is wrong."
The following week I asked her how things were going. "Not well. Since the shots, I've been to the emergency room 4 times."
Sorry to ramble so much. Keep up the good work. I'll send people your way.
Thanks for sharing your experiences for the benefit of others.
Dear Thinktwice, Hi. Please do not publish this note in your "Emotional Response" section.
I'm an editor at a weekly newsmagazine for the chemical and chemical engineering industry. We have an upcoming issue on top pharmaceuticals, and although I'm an English major and do not have expertise or interest in pharmaceuticals, I have been given the assignment of writing a short article about vaccines. As I started reading about vaccines on the Web, I did become interested in one aspect of vaccines: the controversy regarding whether or not vaccines are dangerous. I am personally inclined to believe that they are dangerous. I proposed to focus my article on the controversy, explaining both sides of the argument. (As it is a news article, I am not allowed to make it an editorial and say which side I personally believe.) Unfortunately, I was told not to focus on the controversy because it "would be a waste of space." I was told that, for example, studies have proven that autism is not caused by vaccines. (I did not tell them that many other problems besides autism could be attributed to vaccines because I sensed that their response would be the same.) I was told to focus on the problems associated with vaccine supply: how to provide a safe supply that is enough for everyone, what the role of government should be, etc. This topic is not of interest to me, so I'm very disappointed. I asked if I could still mention the controversy and was told that it would be okay to mention it but not to make it the focus of my article. So now I have an assignment that not only am I not interested in, but I'm forced to take an angle that I don't really believe in. (If I personally believe that vaccines are dangerous and that the policy of mass vaccination should be reassessed, why would I want to discuss supply issues?) Do you have any advice on how I can make the most of my slim opportunity to point out the dark side of vaccines? Thanks for your help.
You're working for the wrong industry. They'll censor your article. To make an impact, you may need to work outside of the system. Writing about supply issues when you don't believe that's the crucial issue will turn you into
an industry whore. Good luck.
We choose not to give our 2-month-old daughter any shots. We were told by our pediatrician that she may die and that as soon as she gets sick we must rush her in and let everyone know that she didn't receive any vaccinations. Yet, they have no proof or answers to why my normal, healthy baby boy (who did receive all his required shots) developed into a child who doesn't speak or interact socially. They also believe he is having seizures because he has "eye fluttering" and periods of being "lost."
Thank you. I am so thankful that at least some people in the world believe I am not a bad mother for choosing to go against the norm. My husband and I are interested in helping with your cause. Is there anything we can do to help out, besides, telling others?
The medical industry is quick to resort to scare tactics to get you to vaccinate your baby -- even after they very likely damaged your other child. Please visit this link: Some Helpful Ideas for a few suggestions on how to help.
Hi. My name is Fran. My son Joey was 6 1/2 weeks old when he had his first series of immunizations. Two days later he ended up in the hospital with SPINAL MENINGITIS. He died 3 times and each time was brought back. Thank God. We had lots of prayer for him. I wanted to sue but I was not in a position to do so, and I had his life. HE DID NOT DIE after his bouts in the hospital. He ended up with Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Cortical Blindness, Scoliosis, and a lot more. He was said to have 50% - 75% brain damage. He had a shunt put in at 7 wks old and still has the same one in. They did, however, lengthen the tubing for it when he was in his teens. He's had 4 cutdowns, and a metal rod put in his back for the scoliosis. Has tubes in his ears, and hip surgery. He is now in Vermont in a foster home due to the fact I CAN'T LIFT HIM ANYMORE. He is doing well. Thank you for listening and hopefully you will print this. Thank you again.
A. Thanks for sharing your story.
Hi, I read the testimony of Michael Belkin on your site and agree that vaccines and vaccine policy are not always created with the health of the general population as a primary motivating factor. Political and business influences on the practice of medicine are unfortunate and enduring problems we face as a society. I personally feel connected to this issue because of my suspicion that I too am sensitive to the hepatitis B vaccine. It's ironic that I, as a premedical student and future physician, received the vaccination as a requirement in order to volunteer at a hospital and will bear the weight of the effects in
the form of epilepsy for the remainder of my life. At least the experience has made me more receptive to the dangers of medicine. Let me rephrase that -- the dangers when medicine is insufficiently researched, unjustifiably supported, and massively distributed all in
the name of financial gain and the maintenance of lucrative connections between government institutions and highly profitable drug companies.
I'm not sure what has been done recently regarding the vaccination of infants. I do know that school age children require vaccinations in order to enroll and certain professions, including medicine, require vaccinations. I hope there will be some resolution on the part of the government to remove the mandated hepatitis B vaccination for newborns in the near future, if it hasn't done so already. The risk assessment of vaccination in the absence of an epidemic should, after all, be a personal matter. My condolences to all the families whose lives have been forever altered by their hepatitis B vaccination experiences. Nothing can undo what's been done, however. I've spent a lot of time mulling over my decision to take that vaccine. That's resulted in no change in my health status and, furthermore, I have lost all that time I could have spent on enjoying my youth. All is not lost, though. We
can effect change in the government policy regarding vaccinations and we can inform others who have yet to be devastated by adverse events related to the Hepatitis B Vaccine.
Please send me a few bumper stickers, if they are still available. Thank you.
Dear Thinktwice,
My husband is 39 years old. He was born in Hungary in a communistic country where choices were not even thought of, not to mention debated. He was given his shots as all children there are. At the age of 6 month he was given his DPT and had a serious seizure. He still was given all the other shots. He had seizures ever since, all his life, sometimes every 7 to 10 days. He is on medication all the time. For the last two years he is on a new medication and it seems to work. The medications slow him down, he suffered from learning disabilities, and now he lost many of his teeth too, due to taking seizure medications and during seizures grinding his teeth. Doctors regularly want to give him tetanus shots when he is taken in injured from a seizure.
We have four children. Our daughter had a fever seizure after her 18-month shots. No doctor had ever told us to stop immunizing her! Our first son, or second child, also had fever seizures after a 2-year shot. No doctor had ever told us to stop immunizing him! It took us many years and a naturopathic doctor to stop immunizing our children and ourselves!
Our fourth baby has never been immunized. He just had a small burn on his hand today and our regular doctor was not in. The substitute told me that vaccines and seizures have never been connected in any real study! He wanted to give my son the tetanus. Of course I refused. I am infuriated by the ignorance of health care professionals. It is a nice relief to know that you are helping people make the right choice. Thanks!
I live in North Carolina. My nephew had a very serious reaction to the chickenpox vaccine. He looked like a child with cancer. All of his hair fell out including eyebrows. He was very pale & weak & it took him several months to get back to normal! My sister has been to numerous doctors & all say that it couldn't possibly have been the vaccination. I did not allow my son to have the chickenpox vaccine. I thought when it came time for him to enter school, that I could just sign a waiver. But a couple of months ago I was told at the local health department that I could no longer do that. They said that it was now a law & that my son had to have the shot in order to go to school. What exactly is the law & what can I do? I do not want my son to have this shot or any others! Thank you!
NC has a religious exemption. (Doctors and health authorities often lie.) Please read our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Dear Thinktwice,
When our son was
18 months old he received his MMR vaccine. Shortly thereafter he had a
seizure. We rushed him to the emergency room where he was checked over
briefly, and found to have had a seizure caused by the vaccine. Over the next year
we found that he was not doing the things that he had been doing prior
to the seizure -- things like making animal sounds and the few words he
had known before. The first diagnosis we got was autism, and he entered
a special education program. Recently, we had another evaluation done,
and he was diagnosed with sensory integration disorder. They told us that
the injury may have been caused by the shot. However, to qualify
for compensation under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, our lawyer
tells us that we need a doctor who will testify that his injury was
caused by the shot. Obviously this is of great importance to us. Compensation
will be helpful in obtaining the special schooling and help he will need
for the rest of his life. Any help you could provide would be greatly
Our site provides a list of lawyers who specialize in these cases. Best wishes.
Dear Thinktwice!
I recently read your book about vaccination as it was finally published in Hungary. The situation here is very terrible, many vaccinations are obligatory, but so strictly that police will take you away if you delay more than 6 weeks to allow all vaccinations to your baby. My 15 month old son got MMR, DPT 4th, and meningococcus, that was not obligatory, but I did not know vaccinations may cause damages on our baby, and doctor insisted on this vaccination, she told I risk the life of my son if I refuse it. I paid 1/3 of my monthly income for this vaccination...and 2 days later he ended up in a hospital by having serious croup, could not breathe. I was humbled on all possible ways, they forbid breastfeeding, they wanted me to go home, leave him alone, but I said law allows one of parents to be 24 hours with child under 14. They got very furious that I knew this law. They said my son is ill caused by me, if I go home, he won't cry and he gets better. Five days there were hell... After that he was ill seriously for 1 year, he had bronchitis without stop, we spent all our savings on medicines. He did not get better at all. Then I have heard from my friend that homeopathy may help him. I had no more money to pay to a homeopathy doctor (I am a teacher but so low paid), but I bought a book and bought homeopathic pills fit to his symptoms. In 2 days he got healthy!!! Since then 2 years passed by he is more or less healthy, at first coughing I give him pills again to prevent croup. Only one side effect remained that he often sneezes, his nose is sniffled even doctor says he is healthy.
My daughter was born 4 months ago, in hospital we were separated, so I could
not give homeopathy pills to prevent side effect of BCG vaccine that she got when she
was 4 days old. At 3 months old she got Hib vaccination, then her sleeping
problems started, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. I could not make her sleep for 4
weeks. She had no other serious side effects as I gave her homeopathy pills
against HIB. Recently she got polio vaccine and DPT, for 60 hours after the shop she
did NOT sleep, but screamed. On 4th day she got better after taking all
possible pills.
If I could, I NEVER allow any vaccinations to my children. But I must stand that I am forced to allow vaccinations, doctors don't accept it is harmful. Recently, a child was taken away to orphanage from her parents, as they did not allow DPT vaccination to be given as she was very ill after first DPT. I only believe in homeopathy pills to save my children. I have bought this special vaccination pills from Austria, and I give them to my friends, too. I hope more and more parents will get to know about help of homeopathy. I wish you success in your work. Sincerely, Krisztina Eder, Budapest, Hungary, mom of a 3.5 year old boy and a 4.5 months old girl.
A. Thank you for writing and letting us know that you appreciate the Hungarian version of our vaccine book, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? We are sorry to hear that Hungary makes it difficult to refuse vaccines. Best wishes on raising your children with love and concern.
Hi. I would just like to say how blessed I feel that I did not succumb to pressure from everyone over vaccinations. In 1983, in a small rural town in Australia there was not much access to research, so I put my 8-week-old daughter on Vitamin C before and after her DPT. She cried and had a high temperature for 10 hours afterwards, would not feed, etc. So I naturally refused to ever allow her to be vaccinated again.
Still with little access to information in 1986, I had read that oral vaccines were ok, because they did not bypass the body's defense systems like injections, so I took my son for oral polio vaccines at the municipal clinic. I stated categorically that he was only to receive the polio, not the DPT. When the sister tried to remove his nappy to administer an injection I went ballistic and pulled him away from her. She called me a "murderess"! I coldly told her that his sibling had had a reaction to a DPT and that this was a contraindication to him having it, increasing his chance of brain damage from the shot. She sneered and said that his sister's reaction was normal. I laughed and asked her to sign a document that she would be personally liable for compensation if anything happened to my son -- as if! -- and I stormed out of the clinic!
I refused all vaccinations for my second daughter, but with all the pressure from everyone I asked my homoeopathic lecturer if I should give her homoeopathic remedies for the standard illnesses. He said that personally he wouldn't, as children needed these illnesses to mature their immune systems, and to keep them healthy with organic, biodynamic food etc. I could not afford this food, so grew my own organic veggies, kept free-range chooks for eggs and milked my own cow. And avoided chemicals like the plague.
When I sent my then 14-year-old daughter to school with a letter stating that under no circumstances was she to receive the rubella vaccine, they accused her of forgery and tried to force her to have it. She ended up screaming and hitting the health "professional" to stop her, and was placed on detention for a week - but no injection!
She is now 22, and never once had antibiotics, had a dose of chickenpox and nothing else, and has an IQ of 130. Her siblings have enjoyed similar good health, but her cousins of the same age and full vaccinations were constantly ill, bronchitis, antibiotics -- the 22-year-old has Crohn's disease and is not allowed to travel to many countries in case of needing more emergency surgery. The 20-year-old has major eating disorders, osteoporosis and is always ill with something, and the boy is decidedly strange, with a tendency to cruelty and violence... (from the age of 3).
The only way I could enroll my children in school was to lie and say that they had had homoeopathic vaccinations, and I had to sign forms that I would withdraw them from school if there were any cases of disease such as measles, etc. -- never did withdraw them, and they never caught it! I myself as an infant caught pertussis from the vaccination, so my own mother never believed in them, and I never had the rubella shot - yet my rubella immunity was very high when tested in early pregnancy. The doctor beamed when he informed me, saying that this was proof of the efficacy of the vaccine. He was shocked, disbelieving and hostile when I stated that I had never received it and had natural immunity! I changed doctors....
Please publish this, to show that the rewards of resisting the incredible pressure are worth it! Thanks.
To whom this may concern,
Are there any doctor recommendations against administering a hepatitis A vaccine to a 2-year-old with a fever of 101 degrees. A co-worker's son had a seizure last night for the first time. The circumstances seem to point towards an allergic reaction to the vaccination. The 2 year old was admitted to the emergency room last night after the parents heard muffled gasping from the crib. I'm afraid to think of what would have happened had they not awoken.
Please get back to me at your earliest convenience concerning this matter.
A. Babies should not be given vaccines when they are sick and their immune systems are already overtaxed. This is a classic high potential situation often leading to brain damage (seizures, etc.). Sickness is a contraindication to vaccines. Read the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) at the library for more information. (Children are not even high risk for this disease, so he was subjected to all of the risks with negligible possible benefits.) Doctors will not admit that the vaccine was responsible. Report this reaction to VAERS: 1-800-822-7967. Future vaccines could be severely detrimental.
About ten weeks ago my mother-in-law received a flu shot from her allergist of all people. This occurred on a Friday. On Saturday she started to feel ill, by Monday she was admitted to the hospital and was diagnosed with pneumonia and was in septic shock. She was immediately put on a ventilator and administered antibiotics. She was given her last rites tonight, and we are not expecting her to make it through the night. I had read an article that stated that if you were given a tainted flu vaccine that the symptoms were pneumonia and septic shock. When I mentioned to her doctor, it was dismissed. This women was only 62, and there was never any hope of recovering. Has this happened to other people? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
A. We're very sorry to hear your story. However, it is a common occurrence: a healthy person receives a vaccine and has a severe reaction and/or dies. Doctors never admit a connection to vaccines; they simply claim the timing was coincidental. We recommend filing a report with VAERS: 1-800-822-7967 and contacting one of the vaccine lawyers listed on our site to begin the process of holding the culprits accountable. (For your information, the damage is not necessarily caused by a "tainted" vaccine. Some people are simply more sensitive to the chemical components that comprise the vaccine than others.)
For more information:
Q. At 8 weeks of age Angelina went to her pediatrician for a well-baby checkup. She received 4 vaccinations: MMR, DTaP, Polio and Hib. Two weeks prior to this she had a stomach virus. About 1 week after the immunizations she began to grow weaker and eat less. She became so limp that we brought her to the emergency room. She remained in the hospital for 3 weeks. While there she received every test: spinal tap, cat scan, MRI, EEG, EMG, EKG, muscle biopsy, skin biopsy and innumerable blood tests. To this day everything has come back normal. She is about 70% better than when she went into the hospital except that at 5 months she can still only take about 4 ounces from her bottle, and her legs (coincidentally?) where she had her injections are still very weak. I will not let her get any more vaccinations yet. Does this sound like it could have been a vaccine reaction?
I would appreciate your opinion. Thank You.
A. Angelina did not receive 4 vaccines at once; she received 4 shots, but 8 vaccines simultaneously! (MMR is 3 separate vaccines combined into one shot, and DTaP is also 3 vaccines combined into one shot. Angelina received 8 powerful drugs all at the same time. When did you last ingest or inject yourself with that many drugs simultaneously?
MMR is NOT meant to be given at 8 weeks. (Look at the CDC's recommended schedule.) Are you sure Angelina received MMR? Do you have the records and documentation? If this is true, your doctor was negligent and should not be permitted to practice healthcare.
We believe that Angelina had a serious reaction to her shots. Doctors will not admit the vaccines caused her damage. Future vaccines may cause permanent irreversible damage.
Q. I'm sorry at 8 weeks Angelina had her Polio (not oral) DTaP, her 2nd Hep B, and Hib. Could this combination of shots given her the reaction? Any indication of which one(s)? Also her twin brother had the same vacations with no apparent reaction. Once again, I would appreciate your input.
A. Once again, when did YOU last receive 6 drugs simultaneously? Yes, we believe the vaccines are responsible. Your story is common. Read some of the stories and studies on our site. We have a link to stories of other babies who received multiple vaccines and had serious reactions: Multiple Vaccines Given Simultaneously
Dear ThinkTwice:
I just wanted to let everyone know your website is appreciated. Fortunately, I was well informed before I gave birth to my son. My aunt started researching the internet about immunizations and gave myself and my mother all the information regarding the serious side effects of immunizations. My son was born full term and weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz. Although I had all necessary information, I still felt very pressured when I gave birth but did not give in. I could not imagine my baby being injected with the shots. My son is now 29 months old and is a very healthy and happy boy and has never had any immunization shots. He attends a daycare and is healthier than most of the children who attend with him. My mother and I inform anyone we know that is having a child about the side effects, unfortunately the do not always take our advice but a few have and that matters to us. Thanks again, and I will recommend your website to everyone I know!
I am the parent of two children who have not been vaccinated. With my first child I refused vaccinations at the first pediatrician visit and tried to bring up facts supporting my decision. The doctor argued with me and tried to convince me to have the shots. Fortunately, I had done my homework and ultimately still refused the vaccines. I dreaded going to the pediatrician because it was always a difficult experience and they made me feel like I was a bad parent.
Now that I have a second child I have learned that the less said in the pediatrician's office the better. They will try to convince you to have the vaccines no matter what you say (it is their job) and sometimes they even give you information that is downright false. Typically, they will not be as harsh if you have a religious objection because they do not want to discriminate against you based on religion. I have learned to simply state my religious objection to vaccination, if they ask what it is, I tell them my belief; that God created us in His image that is perfect and that vaccinations show a lack of faith in God. This is a personal religious objection and since I live in a state that allows religious and medical exemptions, a statement of this belief is attached to my child's school registration papers. I have not had any problem with this and I am thankful that my children have not been vaccinated and that I was able to defend their health in the face of such enormous pressure. I hope that this information will help others facing a difficult situation.
My 4-year-old granddaughter was recently diagnosed with Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID). She has "issues" with clothing. She refuses to wear socks (even seamless socks), slippers, and only wears shoes when leaving the house. Her parents are shopping at Goodwill (nothing against Goodwill) BECAUSE the clothing is usually well worn. My granddaughter cannot stand any clothing with seams. She does not like wearing pants unless they have an elastic waist and are very old and well worn. Getting her dressed for preschool has become a "battle" most days because she refuses to dress in anything but the oldest clothes.
My daughter and I disagree on vaccines. (I no longer vaccinate my animals) My question is: Is there any scientific data or have any studies been done on vaccine damage as it relates to such issues as SID? My granddaughter began showing signs of this dysfunction between the ages of 1-2 and it has progressively gotten worse. From researching this disorder on the internet, I haven't found any explanations for it. I understand how vaccinations affect canine behavior...I'm certain that it also affects the behavior and health of children. Thanks for any information.
A. I believe that Sensory Integration Dysfunction is damage similar to autism because many autistic children have symptoms similar to those you describe. She may be the victim of vaccines. Her parents must investigate. We recommend contacting some of the autism organizations listed on our website for more information: Autism Resources
We are facing the choice of having our one-year-old daughter vaccinated next week. Someone referred me to your website as I have previously had concerns about these things. My question is, Is your information current, in the sense that the dangers inherent in these things have not lessened? I have been under the impression that, as in the case of DTaP for example, the removal of mercury preservatives had dealt with the problem. I imagine you receive thousand of queries, but hope you can reply to this quickly as we are scheduled to do this next week. Thank you.
It is a potentially dangerous misconception, perpetuated by the medical industry, that the removal of mercury from many (not all) vaccines will halt vaccine damage. Mercury is only one factor linked to vaccine damage. For example, it seems clear to some researchers that multiple vaccines given simultaneously may also be linked to serious reactions. We recommend that you further educate yourself on the risks versus benefits prior to making a decision.
If I could, I would like to request several bumper stickers. I would like to be able to hand them out because I feel as if people need to know about the vaccines. I had a baby girl on June 3 and she passed away on August 5, two days after I got her shots. They told me it was SIDS, but I just don't believe that. A healthy happy-go-lucky baby doesn't just pass away. If I could, I'd take a box of stickers and hand them out. Thank you very much.
A. Click here for a Bumper Sticker.
Dear Thinktwice,
My daughter was given a Prevnar and a Hib vaccination together at 9 months. Three days later she threw her head back, eyes rolled back in her head, and she was unresponsive. I rushed her to the doctor and was told that she had an ear infection, and sometimes, children do that to drain the infection out of their ears. She was not unresponsive very long. So I thought, well maybe the doctor was right. But she was having a seizure in front of the doctor, and was never really observed for anything else. She continued to do this for the next two years. It took us the whole two years to finally get an EEG done, Which showed nothing. After the results, I was actually told that she was just doing this for attention. At two years old, yeah right. We were finally referred to a children's hospital. She had four more EEG's and two MRI'S, Which of course showed nothing. We tried eight different medicines which only made her lose her hair and lose weight. We were also told she had Cerebral Palsy, which she had no symptoms of any health problems, until she received the shots. All of the doctors of course say that the shots did not cause any of her problems. But she was normal until this happened. She was even rolling over at two months, and crawling at six months. She was starting to talk at seven months. She quit talking, and quit walking altogether. Her seizures usually occur with noise. So we used to walk around like we were walking on glass, trying not to make any noise. It was like living in torture all the time. She also had a black substance in her ears that looked like car grease. We took her to an ear specialist, and was told it was normal for some people to have dark ear wax. But I knew that was not normal. The good news is we finally found someone to help her. I am glad to say that her seizures have decreased and the substance in her ears is completely gone. If anyone out there can relate to my story contact me at
Thank you for listening. My daughter will not receive any more vaccinations ever!!!!!
Dear Thinktwice,
I lost my son on October 23. The afternoon before, he had gone in for his four-month well-baby check-up, which included vaccines. Seventeen hours later I found him lifeless. His body was still warm. I know that it hadn't been that long. During those last hours he wasn't himself. I thought it was a normal reaction. He would not eat and he was sleeping way more than usual. When he would wake up he would let this unnerving shrill noise. It was terrifying. When the paramedics arrived I had given them a copy of his shot records. There was nothing that the doctors could do. I don't know what made me ask for a copy of those records when I was at the office. I had a bad feeling going in. The doctor reassured me that it was routine and everything was going to be fine. When the detective contacted them, they assured him that it was not the shots. Along with DTP he had three others. We are still waiting for the toxicology report. The agony of knowing that this could have been prevented and that the public is not aware is unbearable. Our baby will forever be remembered in our hearts. June 26 -- October 23.
Dear Thinktwice,
Six weeks ago some
friends of ours lost their 15-month-old daughter. She died in her sleep
during the night. She had been given her MMR vaccine the day before. The
parents didn't notice any change in her behavior [prior to receiving the
shot] and said she had a great time playing with their three other kids
the previous evening. An autopsy was done, and 12 hours after the death
the coroner came to their house and told them she died from a rare type
of cancer that is hard to detect. Three days after the funeral, the family
doctor called to say the report was not true, and it was not the coroner's
place to give them preliminary reports. The doctor said they now thought
it was viral pneumonia. The family asked if the shot was responsible,
but the doctor said reactions to vaccines don't usually happen within
14 to 16 hours; they usually occur 7 to 10 days after being administered.
What do you think?
Serious adverse reactions are possible within minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years (long-term effects) following vaccinations. We believe that in the absence of other evidence, the three live-virus vaccines (measles, mumps and rubella) that the child was injected with during the previous day, provide the most obvious, rational, and likely explanation for her death.
Dear Thinktwice,
I came across your website and thought, I need to react. In my mid-twenties I became interested in alternatives for allopathic medicine. Having being schlepped from doctor to doctor, and residing several times in hospitals, I needed to find out what else there was to cure diseases.
My first child was born when I was 29. By that time I already had read many books about several alternative ways of healing, and my skepticism towards allopathic medicine was growing. When my son was three months old I received a letter to have him inoculated. My gut response was a strong "no!" Unfortunately, I was then married to a very dominant man, and after a month I was "persuaded" to have him inoculated after all. The vaccine was a combination of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio. They also included a brand new vaccine for a form of meningitis, called Hib.
An hour after we were home, my baby started stiffening up. His crying was unlike anything I had ever heard, an extremely high-pitched type of wailing that had me going stark raving mad. There was nothing I could do. He didn't want to be comforted, no breastfeeding, no touching, nothing! All he did was lie on the bed, staring straight ahead, screeching like a jet engine. When I called my doctor -- who knew I only used him as a diagnostic tool and was okay with it, even when I treated our family's illnesses - he told me it was very likely our boy had "brain irritation", judging by that odd crying. He advised me NOT to take him to the hospital, as anything that would be done to him would probably aggravate the obvious state of severe shock he was in. At the time I knew little to nothing about homeopathy, and neither did he.
Taking his advice, I darkened the room, keeping away as much visual and auditory input from my son as possible. Finally, after about three hours of constant high pitched crying, he seemed to "get back to earth" and actually was aware of his surroundings. After breastfeeding him, he fell into a very deep sleep and slept for 10 hours straight. I don't need to tell you that I have NEVER ever let my children be vaccinated afterwards!
Jim still has the high-pitched wailing whenever he gets hurt or when he has an intense emotional shock. People will literally cover their ears because it HURTS to hear him cry. When I contacted the Health Service about his reaction, they told me it was nothing to worry about, and that more children had those types of adverse side effects from vaccinations. They called it "a normal" reaction.
In my thoughts, I had stood at the brink of losing my son, and my otherwise laid-back husband felt the same. When our country had a whooping cough epidemic, many vaccinated children became sick anyway. So did mine. But where the other children spent months recuperating, my children were up and about within a few weeks, thanks to a homeopathic doctor I had gotten to know. Now I try and tell as many people as possible that there are alternatives for allopathic inoculations.
To Whom It May Concern:
Your website and information are very interesting. I have not immunized my 12-year-old son and recently have been talking to his pediatrician about a "catch up" schedule of immunizations. The doctor really believes that my son is safer being immunized, and although agrees there is no guarantee that he will not catch the disease for which he is immunized, is convinced that the severity of the illness will be much less if he should catch it.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I had chickenpox when I was 34, and although all I hear is how dangerous it is to have these kinds of childhood diseases as an adult, while I had one very uncomfortable night of itching, I was not very sick and recovered quickly (only embarrassed to go out in public for awhile!).
I believe the doctors really BELIEVE that immunizations are the best thing that has
happened in the medical world and that they really have eliminated so many
illnesses. I don't necessarily agree -- it is bothersome that our culture thinks
that the human body is so incapable of taking care of itself and that around every
corner is some killer disease waiting to attack us. There are SO many immunizations
that are required that were not even around when I was a child -- why are they
suddenly being given to our children?
My real question is: have any studies really been done about the severity of a
disease in immunized people, compared to getting the disease without being
Everyone needs to read the available studies and make decisions based on
their research. We caution you regarding "catch-up" vaccines. Many children
are seriously damaged when they receive several vaccines simultaneously. We
have a link on our website regarding Multiple Vaccines. Best wishes.
Dear Thinktwice,
Finally, after 6 years I can find information regarding MMR vaccines. I had one at age 36 as I was returning to school and needed to get one or I couldn't enroll. As soon as I got the vaccine, within days, I developed mumps-like symptoms that lasted 6 months; lump in the throat, swelling, difficulty swallowing. And then last year, and as we speak, I developed a rare recurrent condition called subacute thyroiditis which causes swelling of throat tissue, lungs and thyroid, and essentially disrupts your entire system. The severe, scary symptoms include heart palpitations, swallowing difficulty and shallow breathing! I have landed in the ER with this episode 4 times. I am convinced the MMR had something to do with this rare condition because they have concluded it's viral based, and have taken tissue from the thyroid and cultivated the mumps from it! I am convinced all of this nonsense is from the MMR vaccine. I refuse to get a flu shot as I am afraid I may develop the Hong Kong flu (or whatever is the worst one these days!) Doctors may blame it on my immune system, but this condition is self-limited so it's not related to an immune disorder -- only a virus. All of these rare, odd "illnesses" were viral related and specifically targeted at the mumps virus. This is interesting. I am curious if anyone else ever mentioned something like this. But at any rate, this info is for your readers and your files. Thanks for making me feel that it wasn't my imagination.
Good morning,
After reading on your website a bit, I wanted to write to ask a question. I received a tetanus vaccine almost three days ago. The first day I was fine. About 24 hours later I started not feeling so well -- my arm started aching terribly and was stiff, and kept waking me up in the nighttime from the pain. Yesterday I felt like I had a mild case of the flu -- kind of achy and warm, very tired-feeling, and still with a very stiff arm, now with shooting pains in it today. Advil helps with the pain, but here it is now into the third day and I'm not feeling any better. I don't see much reference to flu-like symptoms as a reaction to the tetanus shot. Have you heard of a reaction like this, or have I just coincidentally gotten a bug of some sort? I never get the flu shot because I very rarely ever get sick. I am a very healthy person, with the exception of being a diabetic (controlled with an oral agent and diet/exercise -- no insulin), but nonetheless, very healthy otherwise. It's very, very rare for me to feel like I have been these past two days, and I'm just concerned enough that I'm having a reaction to the tetanus shot to have gone looking for information today. Hence, my coming upon your website.
If this is some sort of reaction to the shot, then what is your opinion regarding how long is reasonable for me to experience a "reaction?" I am most concerned reading today, regarding the people who have developed lupus and/or autoimmune illnesses upon receiving vaccines. How common is this? My husband was diagnosed with polymyositis about 8 years ago, and I personally know how insidious autoimmune illnesses can's totally changed our lives.
All I know right now is that I'm starting to feel very, very sorry for agreeing to have the shot.
Dear Thinktwice,
My son was born the happiest baby, with smiles for everyone. We had our first child immunized without even questioning it. (We were naive and trusted the doctors.) She never had a reaction to anything. My son had a crying fit two weeks after the first round of shots, which included the DTaP. He was inconsolable for hours which was so unusual we were really scared. I called the doctor and she told me it was probably colic or something and to cut garlic and dairy out of my diet, since he was nursing (still is). We were kind of unsure about getting the second round of shots, but the doctor kept telling me all of the benefits outweigh the risks and I shouldn't even think about it, so we went ahead and did them. Exactly two weeks later he had his first seizure. He was four months old then. We were in and out of the hospital for the next year and a half. Every time, the doctors performed the necessary tests, which were all negative, and kept pumping drugs into his tiny veins. We keep telling them that it was the DTaP, but they assure us that it is "acellular" and doesn't do the same damage as the DPT. But I told the doctor to "stick it" and made her sign a form making both of my kids exempt from any more shots (for school). My son is now two-and-a-half, and he still continues to have a seizure or two every few months, even on medication, and on top of it all he is developmentally delayed and speech delayed as well.
In reading the personal stories, I see that nobody wrote about the DTaP, and I want parents out there to know it is also very possible for your baby to have a reaction to it as well as DPT. My son has a life-threatening disorder. He has to take medication every day or he has 5-minute long grand mal seizures. He is only 2 now but I stay awake at night worrying about what will happen in the future, with school, and especially going swimming at a friend's house, etc. No parent should have to experience the guilt I live with every day from giving him those poisonous shots. I feel like I failed to do what was best for my child. I truly appreciate your website and have sent SO many pregnant women to it. I also have your bumper sticker on my car and LOVE to challenge anyone who thinks it is ridiculous. Thank you.
I have just finished reading some of your website, specifically the stories and data on the MMR booster. I am right now about five and a half months pregnant with my own child. Both the father and I out of gut instinct have already discussed not immunizing our child, but had no real facts, other than one personal experience of mine. I live in Alaska and when I was about fifteen, there was a supposed outbreak of measles, and I was at the time attending public school. Parents were told that in order for their children to continue attending public school, they were required to vaccinate their children with the MMR. So, my parents dutifully obeyed, and three of my brothers and I were given this booster. Two days later, I was feeling kind of sick, but not quite enough to stay home from school. Over the course of that day, I began to feel weaker and weaker, and my fever grew. By the time I got home and was able to take my temperature, it was up to about 104. I remember laying on the couch, and although I was covered by about six blankets, I was shivering so badly, that the entire couch was shaking. The next minute I was so hot that I would throw off the blankets. Not only that, I began to see shadows moving across the ceiling of their own accord. I had no interest in food or drink, and when my mother insisted that I at least try to drink something, I was unable to hold even water down. I went to bed that night, and after about four hours finally fell into an exhausted sleep. When I woke up the next morning I had a headache so severe, I was seeing double. I am not sure exactly how high my fever got. About a week later, my oldest brother's girlfriend died at the age of sixteen. The cause of her death was finally ruled to be as a result of the booster shot.
She had been perfectly healthy before this. When we found out about this, I asked my mom if she thought my fever could have been caused by the shot. She said no and that it was incredibly rare for that to happen. I still had my doubts because no other member of my family fell ill, and no one around me had any sort of viral bug with the symptoms that I had experienced. Also, I was given the shot at the same location on the same day as the girl who died. Without really doing any research, and solely based on this, I vowed never to get a shot again, and haven't since then. Because of this, I also have decided not to vaccinate my child. However, I am glad to finally have the data to back up my experience and present to those who would try to persuade me otherwise.
I am writing from Canada. Reading this website is absolutely heart-breaking. It makes me realize how close we came to tragedy with my youngest son. All the arguments about vaccines saving lives and preventing diseases mean nothing when your child becomes one of those that someone has decided is expendable for the sake of maintaining the program. Until two years ago, I was not against vaccinations -- my ten year old has been fully vaccinated. His only reaction was a high fever and fussiness for a few days after each DPT. Then, two years ago, my then 14-month-old son received the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Nine days later, he developed a fever and a severe measles-like rash. I had been warned that many children have a mild reaction between 1 and 6 weeks. Because my son's case was severe, I took him to be examined as instructed. My son was given an antihistamine and I was told he was allergic to a food or something in his environment but that it could not possibly be a reaction to the MMR. As a mother, my instincts told me otherwise but I proceeded as advised. The following morning, my son's appearance had completely changed. He looked as though he had been scalded from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. I was extremely worried. A nurse-friend advised me to call the Nursing Hotline. The adverse reaction for the MMR vaccine was read to me over the phone from the Center for Disease Control Handbook. There were three major symptoms -- 1) fever, 2)transient rash and, 3) thrombocytopenia or internal bleeding that I was told would present itself as bruising. The weather was very warm and so I let my son wear just a diaper so that I could keep an eye on the rash. Later that day, I noticed that his legs were turning blue and purple. I rushed him to Emergency. By the time we arrived, the bruising had spread up his body to his chest. He was immediately administered adrenaline, steroids and prescription strength antihistamines. Like the night before, the attending physician could not tell me what was wrong with my son but refused to even entertain the idea that he might be reacting to the MMR. I was dumb-founded! He had all three symptoms of an adverse reaction to MMR -- and within the specified time frame.
It took almost a month, but thankfully my son recovered with no obvious long-term damage. Deeply alarmed by the refusal of the medical community to explore the possibility that MMR was the culprit, I called our Public Health office and provided a detailed account of what had transpired. I had taken photos of my son which I offered to submit to public health, but was told that the Chief Medical Officer would contact me as part of the investigation and I could provide the photos at that time. No follow-up ever occurred. A few weeks later, I received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer dismissing the case without explanation and simply stating that my son should continue to follow the vaccination schedule. Upon receipt of the letter, I was in shock. I called back to Public Health and spoke with the intake nurse who had handled the case earlier. She was as stunned as I was.
I know that I do not have "scientific proof" that MMR was the culprit, but neither did the medical community have proof that it was not. When you look at the timing and the adverse symptoms, it is almost certain that MMR was the problem. That is even more true now -- two years later, when he has failed to react to anything else in his food or environment. At the very least, the Chief Medical Officer should have maintained an open file on my son with a big question mark -- but that never happened.
I withheld his next MMR vaccine. Even more than the terrifying ordeal, the reaction of the medical community has made me totally distrust the vaccine program. If we could be confident that the medical community was properly recording and investigating adverse reactions when they do occur, then we might be able to have some trust in the system. But they are not. How many other cases like that of my son have been swept under the carpet rather than reported and investigated so they could help to sound the alarm that a problem exists? We have no idea what is really happening out there because the medical community and pharmaceutical companies are terrified of having their programs put at risk. If they had our children's best interests at heart, and knew that a sizable number of children are having serious adverse reactions, some vaccines would be pulled for further investigation. MMR could be administered as three separate vaccines, and they could try to develop new non-threatening tests to determine which children are at risk for a reaction. By engaging in denials and cover-ups, the medical community itself is undermining public confidence.
I was stunned when I started doing my own research and learned that doctors in Britain and Switzerland had sent letters arguing that the MMR vaccine was not adequately tested before it was approved for use. My son may be one of the rare cases, but like all the others who have been tragically damaged or who have lost their lives, he is one too many.
I have a grandbaby that got several immunization shots at one time. She is lethargic, screaming fits, low-grade fever. It has been 8 days. Please tell me what to do.
We're very sorry to hear about this. We recommend contacting naturopathic physicians for help; they can be found in the yellow pages. Be sure to file a report with VAERS: 1-800-822-7967. Begin documenting everything, before and after, times, dates, etc. Include photos, video, and more. Good luck.
My granddaughter had an MMR one month ago. When she first got it she soon had a stiff neck and knots in the glands in her groin. At first they said it was the shot and that was quite common. Now four weeks later she still has the problem. Doctor now says that she has had a virus and that is the problem. At the same time she cut her four, one-year molars. At first they said it was the shot and that was quite common. I'm really worried about her, should she see another doctor and get another option? She is just now getting over the flu. Been running a fever and throwing up now and then. Seems to be better but the knots are still there and she is not back to walking like she was. Maybe is afraid that it will hurt. Can't tell. Do you have any other information to help us out?
We recommend that you search for a naturopathic physician in the Yellow Pages.
My son became autistic due to a single dose of the MMR vaccine. People who do not believe that there is a connection haven't had to live the nightmare. Thankfully, after his reaction to the vaccine we did research and he has never received another dose. I must constantly fight with his schools because most doctors refuse to acknowledge a connection between MMR vaccinations and autism. My son went from being profoundly autistic almost six years ago to now being labeled as Asperger's syndrome or a highly functioning autistic.
I would do anything to help reform and or ban the vaccines that changed my son's life and future. With or without anyone's help and no matter what road blocks are put in my way I will make sure the word gets out to both the parents of the victimized children as well as the rest of the unknowing public. This is a cause I am dedicated to no matter where it leads me. I would appreciate any information, help, or advice you could give me. NOT ONE MORE CHILD LOST!
Thank you for your time and may God bless all the victims of this preventable disease. My sorrow comes in knowing they will never look for a cure until they freely admit the cause. Feel free to send any emails or call at 918-902-2773 and 918-815-0209.
Hello, I am a new grandmother of a beautiful granddaughter. She was a perfectly healthy baby that was alert, happy and made wonderful eye contact. My daughter took her for her well-baby exam and first set of shots at two months. The next day she was very lethargic and unresponsive. My husband and I were very concerned. She also cried a lot and could not hold her head up. Within five days she was rushed to the ER with seizures. The doctors would not even discuss the possibility of the shots being the cause. I argued with every doctor for two days at the hospital. They ran every test known to man and could not find a thing wrong with her. After three days, they sent her home with an unanswered question. One week later we were back in the ER with seizures for 4 hours. She makes little eye contact and is very easily upset. Three more days in the hospital with a diagnosis of ACID REFLUX????? When did that ever cause seizures?
Finally the neurologist admitted that sometimes the DPT shot will cause seizures and push a child into AUTISM. I have videos of my granddaughter one week before her shots. Happy, interacting, holding her head up and making eye contact. Since the shot, that has all changed. They say it cannot be the shot!!!! What is wrong with this picture????????????? We are praying to our wonderful Lord Jesus and are very hopeful that Alyssa will make a full recovery.
We're very sorry to hear your story. Sadly, it is a common incident. Your story has been repeated to us again and again. Best wishes on a full recovery.
Are there medical doctors that have woken up to the real problem yet? I am angry and frustrated. I also want to go on national TV and scream this at the top of my lungs to make people hear me. Our baby had 4 hours of seizures again last night and my daughter said no to a third trip to the ER. She said that she just could not put the baby through it again. I was afraid for her to even fall asleep without someone watching her the whole time. When will someone listen?
My 2-month-old daughter had her recommended shots (DPT, polio, etc) and was non-responsive for 26 hours afterwards. She could not be woken up for feedings or anything else. The pediatrician blew me off, so I tried to find a new doctor. I finally found a doctor who took the reaction seriously, and he told me not to give her the pertussis vaccine again. She is now 26 months old, and has a speech and language delay of 10 months. My pediatrician did not report my daughter's reaction. Can parents report their child's reaction without the blessing of the pediatrician?
We're sorry to hear of your situation. Sometimes the problem is that the child received many vaccines at the same time, not one particular vaccine. You must report this reaction: 1-800-822-7967. Best wishes.
My sister took her youngest son to the doctor for his one-year-old shots, and when she left she thought that's what he got. When she got home, her son stopped talking and was acting really different. She thought nothing of it, but days went by, then weeks, and still he would not talk. Because she is on medicaid, she could only go to that one doctor in her small town. She took him back when he was 15 months for that set of shots. The nurse got mad at her for wasting their time. Baffled, my sister asked what she was talking about. The nurse got the doctor, the doctor told her that the last time she was there they gave him all his shots and he didn't need any more shots till he was five years old. Her son is now seeing specialists about his hearing. My question is, Is his hearing lost due to all those vaccines at one time?
We're sorry to hear your story. We believe that your nephew was very likely
damaged from the vaccines. Studies document that visual and hearing problems
can be linked to childhood shots. We cannot determine whether he will regain
his hearing. We hope a healing occurs. Best wishes.