Some can read your every thought,
And know what's on your mind.
A few may even think you ought
To try and be more kind.
They respect you in good measure,
You are loved and feared.
And though they are a living treasure
Some have disappeared.
A few are savvy and may seek
To trick you with their skills.
Even those that are quite meek
Evoke their share of thrills.
Remember, though, that every creature
Upon the land and sea,
Is a very special teacher
With a similar plea:
"We can live among each other
Adapting as we go.
The Earth is our blessed mother,
She loves her children so.
"Please treat us with your full respect,
Be thoughtful, kind, and fair.
And if you can, please help protect
The forests, streams, and air.
"Our planet is a special place,
With room enough for all
--Members of the human race
And creatures large and small."