Extraterrestrial Guide to Love,
Wisdom and Happiness

By Neil Z. Miller



Members of Our Crew

Some bones that lie beneath the ground
Will leave the world aghast,
For when these ancient limbs are found
You will rewrite the past.

We mention this so you will know
That when this day arrives
Your true galactic roots will show
How long the truth survives.

So many, many years before
A cunning snake told Eve,
"An apple tastes good to the core;
You are much too naive,"

A spaceship from a distant place
Flew to Earth and landed.
It contained a higher race
Of beings who disbanded.

They mingled with the native hordes
And spread their seeds as well.
The masses thought of them as lords
Who taught them to excel.

Later, when their jobs were done
They had to say good-bye.
Of course, this saddened everyone
And caused a mass outcry.

They promised to return one day
When they are needed most.
"We'd really like for you to stay!"
Implored their loving host.

So some of them remained behind
To teach all that they knew,
Until they died for you to find
Lost members of our crew.



Send mail to Z-MAN with questions or comments.
All Rights Reserved. Poems copyright © 2001, Neil Z. Miller.