Extraterrestrial Guide to Love,
Wisdom and Happiness

By Neil Z. Miller


Master Goal

The speed of light is awfully quick
But not as swift as thought.
The runway of your mind is slick,
Hear what the masters taught:

You make the world that you observe
By thinking it to be.
It matches what your thoughts preserve
And faithfully foresee.

In finer realms where you began
Your quest upon the Earth,
You conceived a larger plan
To earn your full self-worth.

Then, as a spirit of the Light
You chose a human gown.
At birth, you were a lustrous sight
--A child of renown.

Now, throughout your life each day
You choose each way to go.
You must pick from thoughts that sway
Between the to and fro.

Align with paths that you prepared
Before you took this trip,
For every choice where you have erred
Was just a minor slip.

And like a philharmonic play
Where everyone has scripts,
You all create the world today,
Right now, and in your crypts.

Again, it all begins with mind,
A colleague of the soul.
Refrain from every thought unkind
--This is your master goal!



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All Rights Reserved. Poems copyright © 2001, Neil Z. Miller.