Extraterrestrial Guide to Love,
Wisdom and Happiness

By Neil Z. Miller


A Place to Hide

The private lives of public folk
Are aired for all to see,
To measure if their faults evoke
Your joy or sympathy.

Don't judge them harshly just to prove
That you are human too.
Instead, attempt to self-improve
At everything you do.

The private lives of friends and kin
Hold secrets unproclaimed.
You may have been through thick and thin
But they are too ashamed

To share with you the small details
Of their unseemly past.
And if they did, your own travails
Would need to be recast.

The private lives of everyone
Deserve your full respect.
How often do you see this done
Although it is correct?

So when you have the urge to snoop,
Remember this one rule:
If you get the inside scoop
Try not to be so cruel.

For like the naked king of old
Without a single care
Until the painful truth was told
That he was really bare

No one likes to be exposed
And give up all their pride,
So try to leave a few doors closed
And save a place to hide.



Send mail to Z-MAN with questions or comments.
All Rights Reserved. Poems copyright © 2001, Neil Z. Miller.